How Women Can Practice Self-Care to Alleviate Stress


People who work in the housing industry can often feel pressured to always be on top of their game. They have to constantly smile, be bubbly and upbeat. Since these people meet with clients regularly, they may feel it necessary to always put their best foot forward. While this is a nice thought, sometimes it’s just not possible. When we try to reach this impossible standard, it can be easy to feel mentally drained. Not to mention, we can feel phony and even anxious. So what can we do to help ensure that we’re keeping some of our mental energy to ourselves? The answer is self-care.

Many women brokers, real estate agents, and other women working in the industry have families and active lives outside of work. These women can sometimes place other people above themselves and as a result, feel drained and overworked. Well, it’s time they put themselves in the equation to not only thrive in their career, but in their home life too. But how do you do that? Here’s how:

Taking a quick 30 minute break when you get home from work can boost your energy for the rest of the night. Even if you have to care for your children, grandchildren, or make dinner, make sure to rest beforehand. Remember: you owe yourself relaxation time; don’t allow anyone to make you feel guilty or “lazy” for taking a break. You deserve it and it’s necessary for good mental health.

Another way to take care of yourself is with your bedtime routine. Make sure to wash all of your makeup off before bed and brush/floss your teeth.  It’s important to choose a reasonable hour to sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

There’s one more thing related to self-care that you should really take in: stop caring so much about what other people think of you. You can’t please everyone and your thoughts and feelings should be at the forefront of your mind. Also, remember that it is just as selfish to ignore your own thoughts and feelings as it is to ignore someone else’s. So make sure that you are telling people your true thoughts and feelings. Not only does this make you feel better, but other people deserve to know how their words and actions affect you. This allows people to change negative actions so you can maintain healthy relationships.

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