Special Veterans Spread in NAWRB Magazine!


NAWRB is proud to announce we will be featuring a Veterans Spread in our upcoming October magazine issue. It will highlight several programs available to our country’s retired and active military members, and will include submissions and testimonials from the very organizations working to serve the Americans that have served us so diligently.

The spread will focus on San Diego and its surrounding areas, as they are home to over 10 percent of the nation’s active military and veterans. Along with these large populations come a myriad of programs and organizations dedicated to serving our veterans.

Our Veterans Spread will help our readers better understand the needs and resources for our military population. After all, business is not just money and transactions, but understanding and caring for your clients as well. We would love to feature as well-rounded a profile of veteran programs and organizations as possible.

If you are a non-profit organization you are eligible to submit a 300-word educational piece of your organization’s services, including testimonials, to our magazine for free.

If you are a for-profit organization that offers special programs for veterans or active military you may submit a 300-word informational piece of your organization’s outreach programs and services for $500. Take advantage of this opportunity by replying with your submission or testimonial today.

We are looking for submissions that utilize an educational standpoint, and not an advertising one. The submittal deadline is September 10. Please send all inquiries to media@www.nawrb.com.

In addition to our submissions, profiles and programs, we will also assemble a detailed infographic compiling the resources available to our veterans. It is our goal to bring attention to the excellent programs and organizations that are working for the good of our servicewomen and men.

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