According to a recent report by the Pew Research Center, women are making gains in the workplace as they continue to meet the demand of specific skill sets from employers by gaining more skills and earning higher levels of education. Employers in the United States are commonly pursuing workers with social skills, including the art of negotiation and persuasion, as well as fundamental skills in critical thinking and writing. Female workers who meet these requirements are rising, and these types of jobs also pay more, which is contributing to the narrowing wage gap. Continue reading

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Tag Archives: workforce
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the plethora of contributions by America’s workers with disabilities. The theme for this year is ‘The Right Talent, Right Now.’
Women Inventors Comprise Less Than 13% of Patent Applicants Globally
Across the world, women inventors make up less than 13 percent of patent applications, and most of the women in that share are the only female in a team, according to a new study by the UK’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO). The IPO study explores the representation of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) in worldwide patenting, highlighting gains and areas of improvement for women’s presence among STEM inventors.
WHER Chat: The State of Women and Girls in STEM
The National Girls Collaborative Project presents statistics on their website on the state of girls’ involvement in STEM through primary education – from kindergarten through high school, from an analysis of data from 2016 National Science Foundation reports. Here are some of their main findings regarding differences in STEM involvement for female students compared to their male counterparts. Students regardless of sex, race or ethnicity, enrolled in lower level science courses in 2012 at similar rates. However, students with less-educated parents or with lower socioeconomic status were less likely to take these courses.
2019: Women to Be Majority of College-Educated Workforce
We can expect 2019 to be the year that women are the majority of the college-educated workforce, a significant milestone in gender parity, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center. By the first quarter of this year, 29.5 million women in the labor force had at least a bachelor’s degree, which matches the number of college-educated men in the workforce (29.3 million).
DOL Announces $48.1 Million Grants for Homeless Veterans’ Workforce Reintegration
According to a recent HUD report, veterans comprise a little under nine percent of all homeless adults in the U.S., and 37,878 of veterans were experiencing homelessness on a single night in January 2018. Of these, 62 percent were staying in sheltered locations while 38 percent were staying in locations unsuitable for human habitation.
To help homeless veterans reintegrate into the workforce in order to afford a stable home, U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta announced that the Department of Labor is awarding 149 Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) grants worth a total of $48.1 million. These funds will be used towards workforce reintegration services for more than 18,000 homeless veterans.
U.S. Department of Labor Introduces Mental Toolkit for Employers
One in five American adults experiences a mental health condition each year, and work often plays a critical role in their wellness, states the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)’s Disability Employment Policy. To address this issue, the DOL recently introduced the Mental Health Toolkit, an online resource for employers to help them understand mental illnesses their employees might be dealing with and ways in which to create a supportive work environment.
Current Impact of the Government Shutdown: How Have You Been Affected?
Today marks the 17th day of the partial government shutdown that started on December 22nd, 2018, which is now the third longest government shutdown in U.S. history. Many, but not all, government agencies have been affected, causing federal employees to either be furloughed or to work without pay, national parks to close and affordable housing funding to come to a halt, among other effects.
Happy Labor Day Weekend 2018
As August comes to a close, Americans are gearing up to celebrate Labor Day weekend. Labor Day, which takes place Monday, September 3rd this year, is a federal holiday celebrating the contributions and success of American workers. It also commemorates the American labor movement which fought for workers’ rights and saw the emergence of shorter work days and the end of child labor in the United States.
Women Prefer to be in the Workforce
Only half of women in the world participate in the labor force, but the majority of them would prefer to, according to a new report from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Gallup Inc. Findings reveal that 58 percent of women not in the workforce would like to be working, and 41 percent of women would prefer to work and take care of their families. This desire to work varies little between regions, whether women in that particular country comprise a large portion of the workforce or not.