SHETalk: Tami Bonnell of EXIT Realty

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To say that we had compelling, witty, and even funny speakers at this year’s conference would be an understatement. So, we knew when CEO of EXIT Realty Corp. Tami Bonnell signed on to deliver a SHETalk at our 2018 Conference in Chicago, we knew we were in for a treat.

Tami has more experience than most in real estate, selling her first house at thirteen and obtaining her real estate license the day she turned eighteen. Even with that experience, she has had to work hard to reach the level of influence she has today. In her SHETalk, she shared a few ways she keeps ahead of her goals.

     “It’s Your Mindset and What You Do with Your Time that Really Matters”

“You know, I want to put you in a different head space today,” Tami said as she introduced the system helping to grow her business every month. She emphasized the principles she was about to introduce can apply to any business—not only real estate.

First, she asked everyone in the audience to participate in an exercise where we all stood up, stretching our arms out as far as possible. Then, she asked us to close our eyes and imagine our arms going about a foot farther. When our eyes opened, our arms were much further than we imagined.

“Everything that we do is because of how we think,” she began. “It has nothing to do with the circumstances you’re in; it has everything to do with the choices we make.It’s your mindset and what you do with your time that really matters,” she said, adding “Choosing to do something with deliberate intent is how you get from Point A to Point B.”

Most of us of us have run out the door with a list of more things than we have time for, she told us. We say “we must” and “we have to” when really, we should want and expect it. The problem with the “musts” and the “have tos” is that our subconscious mind doesn’t accept the negative the same way it does the positive. If we say we want and expect, it will help us to follow through. 

Finding Your Path

Sometimes, in order to get done what we want and expect to get done, we have to find a more balanced way of doing things. When she started at EXIT twenty years ago, it was a Canadian company with no office in the U.S. She bought the rights to the entire New England states, building the US brand from a dead stop. From scratch, she cultivated 35,000 agents and traveled frequently to build momentum, driven forward by thinking of everyone she was responsible for on a daily basis. Her hard work paid off as she became US Vice President within her first year, President the second year and CEO of the company in 2012.

She came home late one night a couple of years into traveling to build EXIT. As she pulled up, she noticed for the first time beautiful Paul Revere lanterns in her circular driveway and in the backyard. She walked in and said to her husband “Thank you so much honey, I wanted those forever I love those lanterns, they’re beautiful.” He replied “Your welcome, I put them in six months ago.” That moment was a wake-up call for Tami. “I really started working on ‘I’ve got to do this smarter, I’ve got to do this better,’” she said.

    Working with Your Dirty Dozen and the 30,000, 2,000 Foot and Street Level Views

The better way is a plan that builds in time to work on the long view of whatever you are trying to accomplish, personal and professional. Committing is often the hardest part, says Tami as most people live on the sidelines in a safe area. But with this plan, you can build in time to take in the long view.

One hour a month should be set aside to look at the 30,000-foot view. This is a time to think about where the trends are in your industry. What are the resources that you should be going to every single month? If you spend time looking at things from the 30,000 foot view, you’ll know what’s selling and what’s not, you’ll be ahead of the curve on trends and will better be able to find your niche and can take advantage of every opportunity.

Who Are Your “Dirty Dozen”?

According to Tami, your “Dirty Dozen” are twelve people in or related to your field with whom you form a connection—such as a leader you’d like to follow and with whom you can share information every four-to-six weeks.The second hour of the month should be spent looking at your goals from a 2,000-foot view, say at the statewide level and touching base with six of your Dirty Dozen. For someone in real estate, this could be one person from the government on a state level and one from the local level, for example.

In order to develop these connections, you should look to help them more than they help you—add value to their lives, do your homework and find out about them. The relationship doesn’t have to be a “tit for tat” transactional relationship, it can be more personal Tami points out. “People want to matter,” she says adding that if you find common ground and build a connection, it will pay off.

For the third hour, you want to look at you, Tami says. Ask yourself some effective questions like “What am I really good at?” and “What do I need to do to get where I want?”

For the final piece of the puzzle, she introduced a four-hour action plan where halfway through the month, you plan out six weeks ahead of time and make sure to book off four hours to work on yourself and your plan. Look out over those six weeks with where you want to be in mind. And do it for your whole life both personal and professional. “I have birthday cards in my glove compartment in case I just forgot,” Tami says, illustrating her point.

You can even incorporate a small part of this planning ahead philosophy on a daily basis. Tami said she takes 120 seconds every morning to say how her day will go and think about how she wants the people she encounters to feel. At the end of every day, she takes 120 seconds to think about what worked for that day and what she is grateful for, and she writes down any concerns or problems.

“All of us are a work in progress,” said Tami as she closed out her SHETalk. “Every segment starts to connect and then you excel.”

We can’t wait to get started.

2018 NAWRB 5th Annual Conference “Year of Women” Recap

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On July 29th-31st, the Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) hosted the 2018 NAWRB 5th Annual Conference, “Year of Women,” in Chicago, Illinois at The Standard Club, featuring incredible discussions, presentations and new connections at this diverse, high-profile gathering of thought leaders and industry experts.

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Stories of Character and Courage-NDILC Luncheon Panel


After a jam-packed morning of information and new industry developments, our conference attendees were treated to an informal panel session led by NDILC (NAWRB Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council) Chairwoman, President & CEO of NAWRB Desirée Patno, Co-chair Vanessa Montañez, and Council Members Sarah Goldfrank, Dr. Chitra Dorai, Stacey M. Walker, and Teresa Palacios Smith.

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Knowing Your Partners — Financial Support and Legal Community


Following the “Freddie Mac Today” Panel at the 2018 NAWRB Conference, which offered valuable information on opportunities for homebuyers and businesses, the “Knowing Your Partners, Financial Support and Legal Community” Panel, including Sarah Goldfrank, Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Fannie Mae; Alexander Almazan, Attorney, Almazan Law; Mark Ferguson, Deputy District Director, Illinois District Office, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA); and Desiree Patno, CEO & President, NAWRB, continued to educate our audience about the power of knowing your customers, market and legal community for ensuring the success of their business.

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mPower: Addressing Workplace Disruptors

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For the first time at a NAWRB Conference, mPower (Mortgage Banker’s Association Promoting Opportunities for Women to Extend their Reach) presented a panel, kicking off our Year of Women with style and substance.

NAWRB President and CEO, Desirée Patno introduced MBA COO and Founder of mPower Marcia Davies noting “This is the first time we have had a collective group of women and men from all different industries and this panel is the first time we have had MBA be a part of us.”

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John Yen Wong, Founding Chairman of AREAA, & Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, CEO 2020 Women on Boards on NAWRB Conference, Year of Women


We are thrilled to have the support of John Yen Wong, Founding Chairman of the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) and Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, CEO and L.A. Chapter Co-chair of 2020 Women on Boards ahead of our 5th Annual Conference in Chicago!

John keeps it simple:: “NAWRB: Great Content, Great Speakers, Great Conferences, Great People, Great Organization.”

While Betsy sums up her strategic alliance with NAWRB this way “ “Congratulations to NAWRB, on your big national conference in Chicago! As CEO of 2020 Women on Boards, I am pleased we have a strategic alliance with NAWRB, as we both dedicate efforts to advance women in their careers, and to be part of the massive campaign to increase the numbers of women directors on corporate boards to at least 20% by the year 2020. We applaud your success as women business leaders in real estate!”

With John and Betsy behind us, we continue to rock our initiatives of advancing women on boards and pushing for diversity and inclusion at every turn.

See you in Chicago!





Youngest Self-Made Woman Kylie Jenner Had a Great Role Model

How young women can benefit watching their moms work

Kylie Jenner, the youngest member of the Jenner/Kardashian clan, is on this month’s cover of Forbes magazine as not only one of the richest self-made women, but at almost twenty-one years of age, one of the youngest. Her business, Kylie Cosmetics, had humble beginnings as a lip kit, putting her on track to become the youngest self-made billionaire, male or female. Only she’s not completely self-made. While no one can build wealth entirely alone, Ms. Jenner’s success has equally as much to do with her mother’s business savvy as it does her innate, almost inborn, sense of social influence.

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If Men and Women Are More Similar Than Not, Why Do They Feel Differently About Homeownership?

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The unique challenges women have faced in the past and continue to face today make owning a home a tangible sign of success for a woman. A woman’s home is a space to creatively express desires and dreams and to evoke certain feelings. From a practical standpoint, it’s an investment and source of security that remains a constant regardless of her marital status.

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Congratulations to the 2018 NAWRB Roaring Thirty Awardees

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Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) present to you the 2018 NAWRB Roaring Thirty Awardees! Join us in honoring these incredible women at our Roaring Thirty Awards Gala on July 30th, 2018 in Chicago, IL during the 2018 NAWRB 5th Annual Conference, “Year of Women.” Sponsored by U.S. Bank, NAWRB’s Roaring Thirty Awards Gala will be emceed by Lenny McNeill, SVP and Managing Director of National Strategic Markets and Specialized Sales.

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