SBA Makes Certification Easier with Online Tools

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Earlier this week, ChallengeHER—which assists women in federal contracting—announced that the SBA’s new Certification Website is open and functional for WOSB Procurement Program Participants. This new site allows users to certify their business, fill out WOSB and EDWOSB applications, submit questions/feedback online and more. The SBA also released a webinar that walks you through the process of using the site.

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Small Business Week Day 3

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National Small Business Week continues today as the Small Business Administration (SBA) travels to Atlanta, where Deputy Administrator Doug Kramer and small business experts address the current and future small business field, and New York, as Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet and Mike Muse connect with and describe the opportunities for millennial entrepreneurs.

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Taking Your Business International


Do you have a successful business that is ready to tread onto international grounds? Growing your company into an international firm offers the exposure and growth opportunities to transform your business from a domestic success to a global powerhouse. Global expansion also offers the flexibility to rely on an alternate market when others are experiencing fluctuations caused by seasonal trends or economic issues.

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Announcing NAWRB’s Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) Chairwoman

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IRVINE, CA – The NAWRB Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) is proud to announce Rebecca Steele as our newly appointed chairwoman.

Steele is the Founder and CEO of Steele Advisory and Services, LLC. and brings with her over 20 years as a financial industry expert working with the nation’s largest banks.

As a woman with experience in executive decision-making roles, Steele is uniquely aware of the challenges women face in the C-suites of America; as the only American mortgage lender executive found civilly liable for her role in the 2007 housing crisis, which is now under the Federal Appeal process, she is familiar with the inequality working women endure, and continues to fight for truth and justice.
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NWBC Annual Report: 10 Million Strong


The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) recently released their 2015 Annual Report, 10 Million Strong: The Tipping Point for Women’s Entrepreneurship, detailing last year’s developments, the Council’s accomplishments and their insights and suggestions for the new year. In the email announcing the report’s release, NWBC executive director Amanda Brown states that this is “a time for celebration and reflection, and also a call-to-action for continued–and dare I say greater–investment” as women are starting 1,200 new businesses every day and women-owned businesses have grown to 10 million in number. Continue reading

My Journey at NAWRB


From the desk of Shideh Balali,

My name is Shideh Balali and I am responsible for Strategic Development at NAWRB.

I started with NAWRB in October 2015 as the Member Relations Coordinator. The relationships I have gained and the enterprising women I have spoken with have been phenomenal. An organization like NAWRB unites women from different backgrounds in the housing continuum that share the same drive, ambition and perseverance. It is rare to find an organization that is prompted by their members’ welfare rather than monetary gain. Continue reading

Holiday Season for Small Businesses


With the holiday season right around the corner, small business owners around the nation are anticipating an increase in profits and better prospects for 2016. The American Express OPEN Holiday Growth Pulse says that 92 percent of small business owners are expecting holiday sales to match or beat those of 2014. Continue reading

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day!


Today is the second annual Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED), a day dedicated to celebrating, honoring and supporting women entrepreneurs throughout the world. The inaugural WED was held last year in New York City at the United Nations and was recognized by 144 countries. In addition to entrepreneurship, this is also a day to empower women and discuss women’s issues. Continue reading