The Historic White House United State of Women Summit

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The White House United State of Women Summit was an incredible high and energizer for all the work we have been doing here at NAWRB and for me personally! Jordan Brooks from the White House Council on Women’s and Girls did an incredible job in such a short time, pulling together over 100 speakers and 5000 women in one venue for women’s equality centered on six pillar topics. To see women come from several different industries with the same vision and desires was such an incredibly exhilarating feeling. Personally, I know there are several of us still riding the high several days and even weeks after the summit.

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CEOs Face Pay Cuts If They Don’t Hire Women


The largest banks and insurers in the U.K., alongside top American banks and investment firms, have enrolled in a British government initiative designed to promote the appointment of women to leadership positions. In an effort to drive true accountability in the program, participating companies have additionally agreed to tie senior executive team bonuses to the hiring of women in executive roles.

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Women Wednesday: Women Entrepreneurs of All Ages

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With their growth and momentum, women entrepreneurs have the potential to secure parity—in all regards—in the American workplace. Starting businesses at 1.5 times the rate of men and having recently reached a historic achievement in women-owned small business federal contracting, women have the drive and stage; they need the opportunity.

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Most Wealthy Women are Entrepreneurs

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The Global Wealth 2016 report from the Boston Consulting Group reveals that 30 percent of private wealth in the world belongs to self-made women. According to the study, of women with a private net worth of at least $100,000, 44 percent were entrepreneurs or employees who had earned their wealth outside of work.

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Throwback Thursday: NAWRB Emphasizes Reform Established by Dodd-Frank Bill Section 342

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It’s been almost six years since NAWRB first began supporting and advocating Section 342 of the Dodd-Frank Act and the Office(s) of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI). More than half a decade later, NAWRB alongside the women’s movement for equal representation and opportunities find ourselves having achieved significant progress, making serious improvements in increasing awareness and advocating for stronger legislation for women in business. However, from the pervasive wage gap to retirement disparity, women continue facing various obstacles and there is much work left to do. NAWRB will continue working diligently to achieve equality in the workplace. Until then, please read our Throwback Thursday press release from 2010 below to see how it all began.

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What Do You Want to Know about Women?

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Today, the National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) announced their largest research portfolio to date, for which they are soliciting proposals for nine new research projects. As a non-partisan federal advisory council that advises the President, Congress and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues concerning women business owners, the NWBC is doing its part to support women in business by producing expert actionable research.

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NAWRB Launches Women’s Global Resource Center


May 12, 2016

The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is proud to present the NAWRB Women’s Global Resource Center. The NAWRB Women’s Global Resource Center provides a women’s depository for vendors and clients to grow their diverse spend and increase women’s employment at all levels.

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Don’t let Technology Kill the Deal


As a business owner, an agent, a broker, you know the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest developments and changes in the ways business is done. Whether it’s adapting to TRID guidelines, business diversity or strategies to help your clients secure their dream home, you know how to carry yourself as an entrepreneur.

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Resources for Mom-Owned Businesses

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With Mother’s Day around the corner, it is important to consider mothers and their businesses. Are you aware that in the U.S., more than 1 in 4 families with children under the age of 18 are headed by a single parent, and more than 3 out of 4 single parent families are headed by a female?

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