Elder financial abuse is a growing problem, leaving destroyed relationships and economic destruction in its wake. From straightforward theft to slow development through complex relationships, the tremendous loss of wealth incurred by senior citizens results in premature deaths and intergenerational loss of wealth. It ultimately rips at the fabric of society as a whole as trust among family members and faith in financial institutions are destroyed.

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Tag Archives: wealth
VIDEO: Family Offices Discuss Tax Issues and the Next Generation
Watch a never-before-seen video of the “Family Office” panel at the 2019 NAWRB Conference. Panelists Wendy Craft, Chief of Staff at Fulcrum Equities, LLC; Cynthia French Blanchard, President of Anthem Vault, Inc., AnthemGold, Inc., and Hercules, SEZC; Cindy Brittain, International Private Client Tax Partner at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP; and Brian DeLucia, Managing Partner of Arrivato LLC, discussed the latest developments and trends in Family Offices, including intergenerational wealth transfer and tax issues. Watch the video below!
Elder Financial Abuse, Private Wealth – What Are You Doing to Protect Yourself?
Elder financial abuse is a growing problem, leaving destroyed relationships and economic destruction in its wake. From straightforward theft to slow development through complex relationships, the tremendous loss of wealth incurred by senior citizens results in premature deaths and intergenerational loss of wealth. It ultimately rips at the fabric of society as a whole as trust among family members and faith in financial institutions are destroyed.
WHER 2019 Excerpt: Next Generation to Control Family Offices in 10 to 15 Years
The increased necessity of intergenerational wealth transfer services as Baby Boomers retire is one of the key opportunities for family offices. Seventy percent of family offices in the aforementioned report predict that the next generation will take control in the next 10 to 15 years, according to the UBS/Campden Wealth Global Family Office Report 2018. This is the time for family offices to assess what the next generation needs and establish programs that will help the next generation with future financial planning, as well as estate and tax planning solutions.
Wealth Gap Gets Bigger for the Middle Class
The income inequality between white households and black and Hispanic households has been a historical issue in the U.S. that widened following the 2008 financial crisis. Recent Pew Research Center analysis of Federal Reserve Board data highlights this wealth gap, delving into its racial and ethnic characteristics for families at different income levels.
1 in 5 Americans Say American Dream is “Out of Reach”
According to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center, most Americans believe they have achieved the American Dream or are on their way to achieving it. While the American Dream means different things to different people, only 17 percent of respondents believe it is “out of reach” for their family.
Newsletter: “Fearless Girl” Statue Tarnished by Peeing Dog & New Data on Wealth and Poverty in the U.S.
“Fearless Girl” Statue Tarnished by Peeing Dog
Installed in March 2017, the “Fearless Girl” statue facing Wall Street’s famous charging bull was erected as part of State Street Global Advisors’ (SSGA) campaign to increase the number of women on boards. The statue quickly gained national attention as a representation of women’s empowerment and the gender gap in the American workplace, particularly in the boardroom and C-suite.
One New York City artist has taken exception to this work of art, however, and this week created a statue of a small dog, titled “Pissing Pug,” positioned next to the fearless girl. The reasoning behind the decision to depict a dog urinating on a girl?
“I decided to build this dog and make it crappy to downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade on the bull,” stated Alex Gardega, who considers the fearless girl statue a mere publicity stunt with no connection to feminism.

New Findings on Wealth and Poverty in the U.S.
The U.S. Census Bureau has released the 2013 Wealth and Asset Ownership Detailed Tables highlighting the household net worth of American households. The tables “highlight annual household net worth estimates at the national level and are broken down by selected characteristics, such as race, household structure and poverty status.”

2017 NAWRB Top 50 Women-Owned Small Business Revenue Awards; Deadline June 30, 2017
NAWRB is excited to launch the first and only earning recognition program for WOSBs within the housing ecosystem. As we merge all industries into one list, our goal is to form profitable collaborations to propel women’s economic growth.

NAWRB Nexus Conference; Discount Rate Expires June 30, 2017
The NAWRB Conference is the nucleus, the center, and the source of business sustainability. As a non-partisan organization, NAWRB still has a seat at the table. Our relationships at the forefront allow us an inside look at government contracting forecasts. What opportunities does the future hold? Millions of dollars in procurement contracts and vendor relations were secured from connections made at the 2016 NAWRB Conference. Unlock your business growth!

In the News!
New Census Report: 2016 Characteristics of New Housing
The U.S. Census Bureau released the 2016 Characteristics of New Housing Report, providing annual statistics on the characteristics of new privately owned residential structures by census region.
FHFA Releases Further Data on Non-performing Loan Sales
The FHFA released its third report providing information about the sale of non-performing loans (NPLs) by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the Enterprises). The report includes information about NPLs sold and outcomes for borrowers as of December 31, 2016.

Upcoming Events
If an event involves women’s equality and supporting the women’s movement, NAWRB strives to be there. Join us to take part in making a better tomorrow!
June 8: C.A.R. WomanUP! Conference
This one-day event dedicated to the empowerment of women will help you grow your business, develop your career and connect with other leaders in the California brokerage community.
June 8-9: IMN 2nd Annual Residential Mortgage Notes, Non- & Re-Performing Loans Symposium
With approximately $20 billion in non-performing loans already sold in 2016, the conference is well-timed for the industry to discuss the trading in the market.
June 20-21: MBA National Advocacy Conference 2017
The National Advocacy Conference is the largest advocacy event of the year focused solely on the issues facing real estate finance.
June 20-22: WBENC National Conference & Business Fair 2017
With three days of programming, the conference features lectures and presentations from today’s thought leaders, engaging panel discussions and more.
June 29: The Latino Coalition Economic Opportunity Summit
Guest speakers will delve into the most topical issues during a day that will cover TLC’s “four C’s” of business ownership: Capital, Capacity, Contracts and Cost.
July 16-19: NAWRB 4th Annual Conference, Women’s Collaboration for the Future
The NAWRB Annual Conference will highlight actionable solutions to increase women’s gender equality in the American workplace. The only way to beat the competition tomorrow is by preparing today. Register to take your business to new heights!
New Findings on Wealth and Poverty in the U.S.
The U.S. Census Bureau has released the 2013 Wealth and Asset Ownership Detailed Tables highlighting the household net worth of American households. The tables “highlight annual household net worth estimates at the national level and are broken down by selected characteristics, such as race, household structure and poverty status.”