Often in the industry, when we think of the forty-eight-year-old Government Sponsored Entity The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, otherwise known as Freddie Mac, we think: “I’d love to be an REO broker with them” or “I’d love to be in a vendor relationship with them.” However, as we discovered in our “Who is Freddie Mac Today?” presentation, the GSE is way more than meets the eye, staying on the young side of forty-eight with an eye toward innovation and staying current. Continue reading

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Tag Archives: homeownership
HUD Seeking Comments on Proposed Amendments to AFFH Rule
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a statement announcing that it intends to “streamline” the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule by changing the regulatory requirements it believes are inhibiting states and local communities from increasing affordable housing. HUD is accepting public comments on its proposed amendments for the next two months.
Women’s Homeownership – Women Buyers & How to Serve Them
The penultimate panel of the 2018 NAWRB Conference was our Women’s Homeownership Panel focused on women buyers and how best to serve them. The panel featured a diverse speaker list of experienced real estate professionals, including Moderator Lenny McNeill, SVP, Managing Director of National Strategic Markets and Specialized Sales, U.S. Bank Home Mortgage; Adenike “Nike” Fasanya, Osilaja Owner, Marvel Ventures Mortgage, Inc.; Carmen Chong, CC Legacy Financial Corp. President, Broker and Life Insurance Agent; and Nelly DeLourdes Mitford, MP Global Real Estate Group, Commercial, International Investment and Residential Real Estate Services.
Women in the Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER) Panel
After the excitement of our morning SHETalks by Tami Bonnell, CEO of EXIT Realty, and Rebecca Steele, President & CEO of National Foundation for Credit Counseling, our attendees heard from our Women in the Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER) Panel, featuring Dr. Chitra Dorai, Former IBM Fellow, Master Inventor, VP, CTO Cognitive Services, IBM Services, Member of IBM Industry Academy & Academy of Technology; Teresa Palacios Smith, Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, HSF Affiliates LLC; Burgandy Basulto, Content Writer, NAWRB; and Moderator Desiree Patno, CEO & President, NAWRB.
Mars Vs. Venus? Differing Views on Homeownership Between Genders
The unique challenges women have faced in the past and continue to face today make owning a home a tangible sign of success for a woman. A woman’s home is a space to creatively express desires and dreams and to evoke certain feelings. From a practical standpoint, it’s an investment and source of security that remains a constant regardless of her marital status.
The NAWRB 2018 Women in the Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER) reveals some of the factors and trends that have contributed to an increase in women pursuing homeownership on their own. Single women and mothers are attracted to homeownership as a source of stability, a means of wealth-building, a safe place to raise their children and a sanctuary to call their own. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, single women have outpaced single men in homeownership for the last thirty years.
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Real Estate Agent, Or Treasure Hunter?
Uncovering a home’s story is the best part of the job
A recent story making the headlines sparked our imaginations. While not directly relating to real estate and housing, its premise is familiar to anyone who has discovered long-lost memories within an older home.
A Georgia woman walked into her local Goodwill and noticed a vintage slide projector. She opens it up upon purchasing, and in the course of doing so, is taken back in time; pulled into the world of a family from another era.
If Men and Women Are More Similar Than Not, Why Do They Feel Differently About Homeownership?
The unique challenges women have faced in the past and continue to face today make owning a home a tangible sign of success for a woman. A woman’s home is a space to creatively express desires and dreams and to evoke certain feelings. From a practical standpoint, it’s an investment and source of security that remains a constant regardless of her marital status.
One Tough Mother: How Single Mothers are Defining the Homebuying Process
June is National Homeownership Month. This article is part of an ongoing series focusing on aspects of women’s homeownership.
“Despite the stereotypes that insist women care more about marriage than men do, it may actually be the single life that women embrace more than men,” says Professor Bella DePaulo, social scientist, author, and expert on elective single life, going on to say that unmarried women may be likelier than men to create a lifestyle around singledom.
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CFPB Board Members Fired: NAWRB Advocacy Even More Crucial
Yesterday, CFPB’s three advisory boards: the Consumer Advisory Board, Community Bank Advisory Council, and the Credit Union Advisory Council were disbanded. All boards directly reported to the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau established in the wake of the last decade’s financial meltdown. The fired members were advised they could not reapply for seats when an apparent new board forms.
The board, comprised of twenty-five members who according to The Washington Post, are made up of top consumer advocates, academics, and industry executives, have been critical of acting director Mick Mulvaney’s leadership, arguing that he is focused more on the industry than on protecting the American consumer. His critics also fear under his command the Bureau has focused more on weakening the consumer protection aspects of its work.
She is Superpower: Women’s Pathways to Success Event
Join NAWRB and circles of influencers for half-day event in Dallas, Texas at Service First Mortgage on Thursday, May 24th, from 12 PM to 4 PM, CST. Attendees will explore unique opportunities for personal, professional, and economic growth, and discover strategies to create and increase balance, wealth, health, confidence, and homeownership.