We often hear that Millennials are currently driving the housing market. This rings true even for those in their 20’s nearing their 30’s, a prime time for first-time buyers. In a recent report, Realtor lists the most popular U.S. cities for Millennial homebuyers between the ages of 20 and 29 by looking at where they took out the highest percentage of mortgages last year from a pool of 200 large metropolitan areas.

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Tag Archives: Homebuyers
Millennial Homebuyers: Driving Force of the Real Estate Market
A new study by Clever Real Estate indicates that the Millennial generation is well on its way to becoming the driving force in the housing market. Buyers 37 years and younger make up the largest share of homebuyers at 36 percent, despite the fact that homeownership rates remain highest among those aged 65 and older as the U.S. Census Bureau reveals. Millennials still see owning a home as part of the American dream, and real estate agents should prepare themselves to better serve this new generation of buyers.
Renters in the U.S. Spent $504 Billion on Housing in 2018
According to a new report from HotPads, renters in the United States spent a total of $504 billion in rent this year, an increase of $12.6 billion, or 2.6 percent, from 2017, despite there being fewer renter households in 2018. The current median rent for the nation is $1,475, a 3 percent increase from last year.
NAWRB sheCall: Profile of Single Female Buyers & Sellers on Dec. 12th
Join us for our next sheCall on Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 2018, at 8:30- 9:30 AM PST. Jessica Lautz, Director, Demographics & Behavioral Insights at National Association of REALTORS, will be featured and interviewed on our NAWRB sheCall: Profile of Single Female Buyers & Sellers. To listen, call in at 949-209-6642, and don’t forget to RSVP by emailing info@nawrb.com.
Oxnard, CA Event: NAWRB Empowering Women as Homebuyers and Entrepreneurs
NAWRB is hosting an event focused on women’s empowerment in entrepreneurship and homeownership on May 1st in Oxnard, CA, from 6:30- 8:30 PM PST. Attendees will gather in an intimate setting at Rincon Bar Whole Foods to hear expert speakers share how prospective women homebuyers can find resources and how women entrepreneurs looking to build their brand and raise their bottom line.