As August comes to an end, Americans are gearing up to celebrate Labor Day weekend. Labor Day, which takes place on September 2nd, is a federal holiday celebrating the contributions and success of American workers. It also commemorates the American labor movement which fought for workers’ rights and saw the emergence of shorter work days and the end of child labor in the United States.

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Tag Archives: CensusBureau
National Senior Citizens Day 2019
Today marks National Senior Citizens Day, which recognizes the achievements of the older population in the United States in appreciation of the dedication and services they have given throughout their lives. In honor of this day, the U.S. Census Bureau has released key statistics about the growing older population.
World Population to Reach 8 Billion by 2025
Today marks World Population Day, an annual event that has been observed on July 11th every year since 1989. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme, and it seeks to raise awareness of global population issues.
Did you know that the world population is currently at 7.58 billion? Current estimates by the Census Bureau predict that the population will reach 8 billion by 2025. In honor of this day, the U.S. Census Bureau has released fascinating facts about the U.S. and global population.
Happy Fourth of July!
Today marks 243 years of independence for the United States! The Fourth of July is a day in which the nation celebrates the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence signed on July 1776. In commemoration of Independence Day, the U.S. Census Bureau has released interesting facts about the Founding Fathers, the nation’s changing population and the various ways Americans celebrate this national holiday.
U.S. Women More Likely to Have Multiple Jobs
Even though a majority of American workers are single jobholders, more workers are steadily holding more than one job in order to have another source of income, gain more experience and explore multiple interests. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Multiple Jobholders in the United States: 2013 report, which looks at characteristics of workers by sex, industry, occupation and work schedule, about 13 million workers have two or more jobs.
Happy Father’s Day 2019
NAWRB wishes you and your family a wonderful Father’s Day this Sunday, June 16th, 2019. The holiday was established in 1966 with President Lyndon Johnson’s proclamation designating the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. The idea was influenced by a woman named Sonora Dodd in 1909, who wanted to honor her father, a widowed Civil War veteran. In honor of this special day, the U.S. Census Bureau has released interesting facts to create a snapshot of fatherhood in America.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2019
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, dedicated to the celebration of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. In 1978, the first 10 days of May were selected to honor Asian/Pacific American history; in 1992, Congress expanded the observance to the entire month of May.
Happy Memorial Day from NAWRB!
Nationwide, Americans will be celebrating Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th. Observed the last Monday of May, Memorial Day is a holiday honoring the women and men who have died in military service for the United States. Memorial Day was officially recognized as a federal holiday in 1971, and was originally known as Decoration Day in the years following the American Civil War. Americans commemorate the day by attending memorials and cemeteries, holding parades and hosting neighborhood barbecues.
May 2019: Older Americans Month
The month of May is Older Americans Month, a celebration of the population age 65 and older. Read on to learn more about the history of this observance, and current statistics on the older population, such as diversity representation, gender differences, education, income, poverty rates and more.
Facts on the Current State of U.S. Women
This month is Women’s History Month, dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the central role of women in American history. In honor of this occasion, NAWRB presents important facts by the U.S. Census Bureau on the current state of women in their latest Facts for Features piece.