September 2018: National Preparedness Month


Burgandy Basulto is a Content Writer at NAWRB. She has a bachelor’s degree in both English and Philosophy, and a master’s degree in Philosophy. When she’s not reading or writing, she loves running, kickboxing, watching films, trying new restaurants she finds via Yelp, and experiencing other cultures during her travels.

This September marks National Preparedness Month, dedicated to reminding Americans about the importance of being prepared in case of a natural disaster, while providing the tools so that they can protect their homes, businesses and communities throughout the year.  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are joining efforts for National Preparedness Month with a focus on the theme “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.

Beginning in 2004, National Preparedness Month has been observed each September in the United States, and is sponsored by FEMA within the Department of Homeland Security. This is a governmental effort to help Americans bolster their preparedness against natural disasters, which focuses on prevention, protection, response and recovery.

With recent natural disasters such as the wildfires in the west, floods in the northeast, as well as Hurricane Lane and the Kilauea volcano eruption in the Hawaiian islands, it is important that Americans are bracing themselves for potential threats and beginning the first steps of recovery.

The Ready website recommends that we “Take time to learn lifesaving skills − such as CPR and first aid, check your insurance policies and coverage for the hazards you may face, such as flood, earthquakes, and tornados. Make sure to consider the costs associated with disasters and save for an emergency. Also, know how to take practical safety steps like shutting off water and gas.”

2018 Weekly Themes & Important Dates

  • Week 1: Sept 1-8 “Make and Practice Your Plan”
  • Week 2: Sept 9-15 “Learn Life Saving Skills”
  • Week 3: Sept 16-22 “Check Your Coverage”
  • Week 4: Sept 23-29 “Save for an Emergency”
  • September 15: National Day of Action

NAWRB continues to build an all-inclusive resource center to help those affected by these recent natural disasters find resources that can help them rebuild their homes, restart their businesses and regain a sense of stability in their lives.

Whether you are a renter, homeowner, business, or nonprofit, know that there is always support available to you in times of need. For up-to-date resources for safety preparedness and financial recovery, see the recent articles NAWRB has written for the 2018 California Wildfires and Northeast Flash Floods.

Visit the official National Preparedness Month website for invaluable resources and ways to get involved.


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