NAWRB Magazine:
Volume 5, Issue 4 – Housing Trends

NAWRB Magazine’s Volume 5, Issue 4, Housing Trends, presents the developments women entrepreneurs are building in the housing ecosystem, delineating the consequences of these progressions on their lives, homeownership, careers and industry.
We have the honor and privilege of featuring Rebecca Steele, CEO and President of Sigma Associates, LLC, as this issue’s she(CENTER)FOLD. Recently cleared with prejudice in the 2008 housing crisis, Steele shares the personal story of getting her life back after having her reputation and career questioned. She now looks to the future with renewed energy and excitement. All professionals can learn from Steele’s inside perspective.
Our array of expert contributors provides an engaging inside look at women’s development in our industry. From insightful strategies to increase women’s homeownership to the litigation side of housing, NAWRB brings you trenchant, actionable information.
Click Here for this issue of NAWRB Magazine,
Winner of 2015 and 2016 APEX Awards for Publication Excellence
Recognizing the Importance of Small Businesses
The 30 million small businesses in the U.S. are the backbone of our economy and should remain a top priority at all times. Challenged by factors from big company competition to the new Department of Labor (DOL) overtime eligibility rule, small businesses often face the threat of being eradicated.
Small Business Saturday is fast approaching and we need to recognize the importance of these businesses. Bank of America’s Small Business Ownership Report for Fall 2016 illustrates the difficult plight small business owners face.
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Upcoming Events
If an event involves women’s equality and supporting the women’s movement, NAWRB is there. Join us to take part in making a better tomorrow!
November 16-17
MBA Summit on Diversity and Inclusion
Washington, D.C.
NAWRB sheCalls
NAWRB sheCalls provide industry updates, training
and access to important resources for women in housing.
Call in to find out what you’ve been missing!
December 7: Sharon Asar, Deputy Ombudsman, CFPB
Discover resources offered by the CFPB Ombudsman’s
Office for women-owned and small businesses!