Closing the gender pay gap is a battle with many fronts. One of those fronts, a recent study discovered, is at top U.S. universities. The study, conducted by, a website for prospective business students, did not take into account cost of living by area, or field of study. Instead, it simply focused on graduates of 117 leading universities based on the U.S. News & World Report College Rankings for 2018 and data from the U.S. Department of Education.

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NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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A women’s depository for vendors & clients to grow their diverse spend & increase women’s employment at all levels within the housing ecosystem.

Category Archives: Uncategorized
National Read a Book Day: NAWRB Staff Picks
We are thrilled that today, September 6th is National Read a Book Day. For many of us, reading was a first love. And even if it didn’t come to us easily or naturally, many of us know what it felt like when you first found an author or genre that spoke to you, that sparked your imagination, that seemed to know who you really were.
Get Your Strong On: Five Songs to Mood-Boost Your Strength
Every day it seems as if we are called on to be strong in one form or another. Whether it’s physical, mental or emotional, the challenge to be strong can be as simple as saying no to the second piece of pie or as profound as getting out of bed in the wake of personal tragedy.
No matter what level of endurance you have to tap into, here are five songs showcasing the words “strong” “stronger” or “strength” to help build your mindset.
LA Family Housing is One of Dateline’s “Angels of Skid Row”
Of the half a million people across America homeless at any given time, a quarter reside in California, with 55,000 in Los Angeles alone. Los Angeles’ Skid Row, 52 square blocks of blight, has the highest concentration of homeless in America.
Skid Row came about under unofficial policy of containment, but now thousands of homeless are spilling out into other areas in LA creating an even greater crisis.
NAWRB Joins MBA’s “We Believe” Campaign
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) has just released their inspiring “We Believe” campaign. As their website states, “It’s time to tell consumers, lawmakers and regulators, influencers in Washington and throughout the country, all the good things our industry is doing to ensure the dream of homeownership is realized by millions of Americans.”
Kathy Kraninger Narrowly Approved by Senate Banking Committee in Split Party Vote
In her journey to become the next Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Kathy Kraninger must win over the Senate. If the recent vote by the Senate Banking Committee is any indication of how that might go, it might end up in a narrow confirmation along party lines.
Women Veterans in Business: Unique Challenges and Opportunities
Veterans are in the minority of the American workforce and female veterans are an even smaller subset of the population, however, the impact veterans and women veterans can make to society can be huge. This is a point made by NAWRB Magazine contributor and Army Veteran Erica Courtney as she moderated our panel Women Veterans in Business: Unique Challenges and Opportunities.
Who is Freddie Mac Today?
Often in the industry, when we think of the forty-eight-year-old Government Sponsored Entity The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, otherwise known as Freddie Mac, we think: “I’d love to be an REO broker with them” or “I’d love to be in a vendor relationship with them.” However, as we discovered in our “Who is Freddie Mac Today?” presentation, the GSE is way more than meets the eye, staying on the young side of forty-eight with an eye toward innovation and staying current. Continue reading →
Want to Raise a Future CEO? Have Her Play a Sport
In a global online survey from a few years ago conducted by accounting firm Ernst & Young, 821 senior managers and executives from differing industry sectors were asked about their history in regards to playing sports. Forty percent of the senior managers and executives surveyed were women and, of that 40 percent, 44 percent were C-level or board-level execs.
SHETalk: Rebecca Steele on Becoming a Disruptor
“My Story Is Different Than Most”
“It’s just been an incredible conference. The women who have been here and all of you who I’ve met with have been the highlight of my year so far, really,” said Rebecca Steele taking over the stage for her SHETalk on day two of our conference.
Her story, she revealed, is different than most. “I have been through crisis,” she said, “But I will tell you that I’ve been very, very fortunate to have some of the opportunities that I’ve had.”