Freddie Mac’s net income for the first quarter of 2015 almost doubled from Q4. According to Freddie Mac’s Q1 2015 Financial Report, its net income is now at 524 million.

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NAWRB: An SBA Resource
NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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NAWRB Aging Population
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from Financial Abuse
Over $36.5 billion a year is lost annually in the U.S.
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Women's Homeownership:
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Life often presents us
with unplanned disruptions.

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The Perfect Balance

NAWRB Women's Global Resource Center
A women’s depository for vendors & clients to grow their diverse spend & increase women’s employment at all levels within the housing ecosystem.

Category Archives: Uncategorized
Don’t Miss the NAWRB Membership Drive!
Celebrate National Small Business Week and promote collaboration among women by participating in the NAWRB Membership Drive. Now through June 30th, NAWRB members have the opportunity to receive NAWRB Dollars through our drive. Current members receive a 10% referral fee when signing up a friend. This fee, translated into NAWRB Dollars, can be used for membership dues, NAWRB marketing services, advertising and event passes.
Professional Mentors: Why Women Need Them
Women can benefit a great deal by having professional mentors. Men already have an edge over females when it comes to earning appropriate wages and advancing to upper level management. Having smart, successful mentors for professional ladies can work wonders in bridging the inequality gap.
5 Stellar Pointers for Stronger Female Friendships
Are you a gal’s gal? Many of us are. Studies show that staying close with your girlfriends is good for your health. Check out the following 5 useful tips to keep in mind when dealing with your girlfriends:
6 Key Tips for a More Youthful Appearance
If you want a fresh new look, you’re in luck because NAWRB has compiled the most effective makeup tips to keep you looking youthful. We also pinpointed which looks to avoid since they can add years to your age. Check these out:
Freddie Mac to Offer Actual Losses on Mortgages
Yesterday, Freddie Mac announced that it is doing something that it has never done in the past— offering investors actual losses on mortgages. Earlier this year, the government-sponsored enterprise made first-loss position available to investors as a part of its Structured Agency Credit Risk Series, but this new offering makes for some exciting new changes.
Top 5 Wellness Retreats In The U.S.
It is very important that women make wellness a priority. When we work tirelessly and forget about exercise, proper nutrition and relaxation, we forgo good health. If it’s been a long time since you nurtured your well-being, it may be time to go on a retreat and de-stress. Luckily, there are many places to do so here in the U.S.
What Decreasing Mortgage Rates Mean For You
Mortgage rates are going further and further down and if you’re a real estate agent, you may be in luck as the reduction in mortgage rates may mean more people will be buying homes.
6 Smart Ways Professional Women Should Be More “Selfish”
There are certain times in life when it is okay to be “selfish.” When we take care of ourselves, we tend to be more confident, which translates into being more successful in our careers and having more energy in every aspect of our lives. Check out our list of the best times to have your own interest in mind.
6 Staples You Need In Your Wardrobe
As the styles change, some articles of clothing remain timeless. Women need certain staples in their wardrobes that they can throw on no matter what season it is. NAWRB has created a list of the six staples every woman needs in her closet.