Lena Vann, Senior Vice President, GME Enterprises will be featured and interviewed on our NAWRB sheCall: Risk Management for Entrepreneurs.

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NAWRB: An SBA Resource
NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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NAWRB Aging Population
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from Financial Abuse
Over $36.5 billion a year is lost annually in the U.S.
Prevent Financial Abuse

Women's Homeownership:
Dream. Stability. Sanctuary.
Life often presents us
with unplanned disruptions.

AI Technology
a Human Touch
The Perfect Balance

NAWRB Women's Global Resource Center
A women’s depository for vendors & clients to grow their diverse spend & increase women’s employment at all levels within the housing ecosystem.

Category Archives: SheCalls
NAWRB sheCall: What is the New Reality with Cuba
Margaret Pulles, President and CEO, US-Cuba Chamber of Commerce, will be featured and interviewed on our NAWRB sheCall: What is the New Reality with Cuba? Call in to find out the latest and participate in a brief Q&A session following the call.
Learn how to put dollars in the seller’s pockets
Brenda J. Rossberg, RE Asset Manager, BJ Rossberg & Associates, will be featured and interviewed on our NAWRB sheCall: Learn how to put dollars in the seller’s pockets by doing an alternative 1031 exchange.
Learn How to Build your Brand & Business with the GRIT Formula
Shauna Weatherspoon, President/CEO, Weatherspoon & Associates, will be featured and interviewed on our NAWRB sheCall: Learn How to Build your Brand & Business with the GRIT Formula for Success.
RSVP: info@NAWRB.com | Call-in Number: 949- 209-6642
sheCall: Preview to the 4th Annual NAWRB Nexus Conference!
Rosalind Booker, Principal Broker/Owner, Arbrook Realty interviews NAWRB CEO and President Desirée Patno. Desirée tells us her story and NAWRB’s, detailing the “why” and “how.”
After numerous calls with Patno in 2016, Booker attended the 3rd Annual NAWRB Women’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Conference; she went into the conference an agent and left opening up her own brokerage.
In under a year, Rosalind Booker has become a NAWRB Elite Member, NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswoman, and Arbrook Realty recently became certified as a Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB). Booker now also sits on several women’s boards in multiple cities. Rosalind, her company, and her bottom line are on the rise.
Find out how you too can unlock your business growth and jumpstart your success!
Listen below!
How to build a $6 million dollar business
Learn more about “How to build a $6 million dollar business” with Marguerite Crespillo, Author, Real Estate Trainer, Life Coach.
Shecall: READY, SET, GROW!
Rosalind Booker, Principal Broker-Owner, Arbrook Realty, will host this sheCall addressing powerful ways to change your mindset in order to win! Including an interview portion, this call is a must-attend for entrepreneurs looking to maximize their potential and raise their bottom lines.
Sharon Asar, Deputy Ombudsman, CFPB Ombudsman’s Office
Discover resources offered by the CFPB Ombudsman’s Office for women-owned and small businesses from Sharon Asar, Deputy Ombudsman, CFPB Ombudsman’s Office!
Dial in: 949-209-6642 | RSVP to info@www.nawrb.com
fifth annual report | webpage | blog
The annual report includes:
o The first two sections, which include newly designed materials to inform our stakeholders about our resource as well as examples of how we used our toolbox of resources to assist in resolving CFPB process issues.
o We also have discussions on our second Ombudsman Forum, individual inquiries to our office, as well as two broader studies – memorialization of ex parte communications and consumers’ options to identify concerns with their companies as provided in the CFPB’s public Consumer Complaint Database.
In addition, please download this one-pager regarding the CFPB Ombudsman’s office
U.S. Census Bureau Updates
NAWRB Housing Trends: Latest U.S. Census Bureau updates for Women!
Landy Insurance
Landy Insurance: Crime and Employee Honesty Coverage how it is affecting Real Estate Brokerages.