Keep Achieving QOTD: Teresa Palacios Smith


Anyone feeling like they don’t know what they are doing right now? Thank you Teresa Palacios Smith for reminding us it’s okay to feel this way, it happens to everyone. Your words give us the strength to persevere!

“You learn so much more from when you fall and when you fail it’s how you get up and move forward that really makes you a leader”

“We always have to keep achieving, we always have to continue to strive because that’s the only way we move forward in society”

“If we had not achieved all these phenomenal things where would be today?”

We are incredibly excited to have Teresa Palacios Smith as our next host for NDILC’s Ten Women’s Leadership Principle Events #3 Believe: Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Join us on Facebook Live, Thursday, February 4th, 2021. RSVP today!

If you missed our #keepachieving events this month, be sure to check them out on our YouTube Channel!

Continue to share your #keepachieving stories all month long

#NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties


Stay connected with NAWRB!

Keep Achieving QOTD: Desirée Patno


Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from trying, because when you go for it, the sky really is the limit! Thank you to our CEO & President

Desirée Patno for encouraging us all to #KeepAchieving!

Her advice this month to #keepachieving:

“Be that inspiration and change to go out there and say, what can we do differently?”

“Figure out how to energize the body and mind and keep that going through 2021.”

“The better you understand something, the better you can cope with it.”

Recognize someone in your sphere of influence who inspires you to #KeepAcheiving using our hashtags!

#NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties #NDILCTopTen

Be sure to follow us on all platforms for event details, WHER updates, and how you can get involved with NAWRB. Instagram: (@NAWRB & @NDILC) & LinkedIn: (Desiree Patno & Women in the Housing and Real Estate Ecosystem & NAWRB Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) )

If you missed this month’s events be sure to watch on our YouTube channel

For upcoming event details on our NDILC’s Ten Leadership Principles Series visit our event page

Keep Achieving QOTD: Erica Courtney

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We are continuing our theme of #KeepAchieving all month long!

Channel your passions to get you through the tough times.

Erica Courtney, US Army Aviation Major, and CEO of

2020vet & Zulu Time gave some incredible advice to women looking to advance their careers during last week’s event. She said…

“You’re never going to gain confidence unless you put yourself out there.”

“Get yourself in positions of influence.”

“Start with what makes you angry.”

Whether you are experiencing struggles in advancing your career or you are flourishing in multiple facets of life use this advice to give yourself some extra confidence, a place to grow or a place to start!

January 2021: #2 Keep Achieving


Happy Friday!

Thank you to all those who tuned in to watch us kick off January’s theme #2 Keep Achieving!

A huge THANK YOU to our host Kellie Aamodt and the NAWRB Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) for an amazing event! We look forward to the trials, errors, and achievements this new year brings us.

Recognize someone in your sphere of influence who inspires you to #KeepAchieving!

#NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties #NDILCTopTen

If you missed yesterday’s event you can watch it now on our youtube channel

Acknowledge Trailblazers Quote of the Day: Desirée Patno


Continue acknowledging the trailblazers in your life that make a way to achieve their goals and leave a legacy for others!

Listen to Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem – NAWRB CEO/ Founder Desirée Patno discuss the COVID-19 PPP Relief Bill this upcoming Wednesday, January 6th on an ALL-NEW episode of Know the Rules of the GameⓇ Podcast: Latest Rules on the COVID-19 PPP Relief Bill. Tune in to at 8am PST to listen!

Be a part of NDILC’s Story Tree, post your story and share through your sphere of influence using our hashtags!

#NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties


If you missed December’s events be sure to check them out on NDILC YouTube Channel

Acknowledge Trailblazers Quote of the Day: Kellie Aamodt!


Quote of the day from Kellie Aamodt, host of next month’s theme #2 Keep Achieving. Effective leaders always keep learning. There is always something to learn and improve upon.

Hear more from Kellie and our NAWRB Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) women on Thursday, January 7th, 2021 at 9am PST on Facebook Live.

Be sure to RSVP for the event!

Don’t forget to send us your stories of acknowledging and being trailblazers using these hashtags #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenforTwenties #NDILCTopTen

If you missed December’s events be sure to check them out on NDILC YouTube Channel and get excited for January’s theme #2 Keep Achieving!

Acknowledge Trailblazers Quote of the Day: Dr. Chitra Dorai


Happy Monday! We hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. The count down to 2021 begins. Strive to become a trailblazer this year and work toward your goals. Open doors and break stigmas for the next generation of powerful women!

Reflect on the trailblazers in your life and post your stories using these hashtags #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenforTwenties #NDILCTopTen

If you missed December’s events be sure to check them out on the NDILC YouTube Channel and get excited for January 2021’s theme: #2 Keep Achieving kicking off Thursday, December 7th at 9am PST with Kellie Aamodt!

RSVP for our upcoming events!

Acknowledge Trailblazers Quote of the Day: Erica Courtney!


Happy Monday! Keep pushing – The holidays are almost here!

Reflect on the trailblazers in your life and post your stories using these hashtags #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenforTwenties #NDILCTopTen

Remember to check out Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem – NAWRB and our YouTube channel ( @ndilc) to watch our recorded broadcasts and get excited for January 2021’s theme: #2 Keep Achieving!

RSVP for our upcoming events!

Acknowledge Trailblazers Quote of the Day: Rebecca Steele!


We are continuing December’s theme of Acknowledging Trailblazers just as NDILC’s very own Rebecca Steele said it”Trailblazing doesn’t stop. It continues and gets bigger and more important.”

Reflect on the trailblazers in your life and post your stories using these hashtags #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenforTwenties #DILCTopTen

Remember to check out and our YouTube channel (@NDILC) to watch our recorded broadcasts and get excited for January 2021’s theme: #2 Keep Achieving!

RSVP for our upcoming events!

Acknowledge Trailblazer Quote of the Day: Tami Bonnell


Throughout the rest of December, we want to remind you what it means to acknowledge trailblazers and how YOU can be a trailblazer yourself! Don’t forget to send us your stories of acknowledging and being trailblazers using these hashtags #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenforTwenties #DILCTopTen

Remember to check out and our YouTube channel (@NDILC) to watch our recorded broadcasts and get excited about JANUARY 2021’s theme: Keep Achieving!