Monda Webb screened her award-winning short film, “Zoo (Volkerschau),” which is based on the last known human zoo in Brussels, Belgium at the World’s Fair in 1958. Webb described the process of making the film, of sacrificing things like her home in order to be able to complete the production and submit it to festivals.

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Category Archives: NAWRB Nexus Conference 2017
LIVE Updates: 2017 NAWRB Conference – Know Your Rights and Resources
With limited resources, it is crucial for small business owners to know their rights and resources, to be able to identify a streamlined course of action when an issue arises. Sharon Asar, Deputy Ombudsman, CFPB Ombudsman’s Office and Philip D. Lovas, Regional Advocate – SBA Region IX, Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) shared the resources their offices offer to America’s small business owners and the value they hold for entrepreneurs.
Live Updates: 2017 NAWRB Conference- New Updates from the Office(s) of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) and GSEs.
Our first session following Tanya Komas’s Keynote Address was an enlightening and engaging discussion of Directors from the Office(s) of Minority and Women Inclusion and GSE’s, including guests Sharron P.A. Levine, Director, OMWI, FHFA; Victor Christiansen, Chief of Minority and Woman Business and Diversity Inclusion Branch, OMWI, FDIC; Stuart Ishimaru, Director, OMWI, CFPB; Tomaneci A. Waller-Day, Supplier Diversity Director, Freddie Mac; and Moderator Desiree Patno, CEO & President, NAWRB.
LIVE Updates: 2017 NAWRB Conference – Keynote by Dr. Tanya Wattenburg Komas, Ph.D. Founding Director and CEO, Concrete Preservation Institute (CPI)
Desirée Patno, NAWRB CEO and President, commenced Day 2 of the 2017 NAWRB Nexus Conference with opening remarks, describing the wonderful work leading up to the conference and recognizing the professionals who made time for the diversity and inclusion (D&I) movement.