Drones: An Exciting New Tool for Real Estate Professionals, and One Full of Risk


The Landy Insurance Agency is a NAWRB strategic partner and steadfast supporter of our mission to provide women and women-owned businesses the tools and awareness for growth and success. Dedicated to providing their clients with the utmost service, Landy is experienced in recognizing pertinent industry issues, developments and initiatives. One of the newest topics Landy is working to address is the use of drone technology in the real estate industry. Discover the ways in which drones are changing the industry and what you can do to protect your business when utilizing today’s latest technology.

Drone technology may be more than a fad but rather, an exciting new tool for many real estate professionals to survey, assess and show properties. Laws around drone use are still in developmental stages, if in existence at all. Similarly, drone usage in real estate is new and untested. What is clear is that real estate professionals can put themselves at risk through the use of drones, and the insurance industry has not yet formulated a cohesive response to coverage. Therefore, current policy coverages and exclusions will need to suffice until drone usage is more specifically addressed in E&O and General Liability policies. Continue reading

Diversity and Inclusion in the Tech Industry and Beyond


Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) does not only mean employing people from different ethnic backgrounds, it also involves gender. According to a report from the Professional Diversity Network, women make up 41.5 percent of the entire national workforce and flourish in accounting and bookkeeping, legal services, education and health. Are there enough women in other sectors like technology and engineering?

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Cultivating a Flexible Work Culture


We live in a fast-paced world that is outgrowing the era of the 9 to 5 work day spent cooped up at a desk. Millennials, who are the debutants in the workforce, have a different perspective and desire flexible schedules with the liberty of working from anywhere. Is that too much to ask for, especially when technology affords this flexibility?

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Informing, Educating and Connecting Small Businesses


By SBA Staff

America’s 28 million small businesses create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year, and more than half of all Americans either own or work for a small business. Small businesses play a key role in the economy and in the nation’s supply chain, and increasingly, they are reliant on information technology to store, process and communicate their information. Protecting this information against increasing cyber threats is critical. Continue reading

Diversity and Inclusion: A Millennial’s Standpoint


Traditionally, Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in a workplace mean the representation and acceptance of people regardless of their race, gender, religion and other factors. Millennials, who will comprise 75 percent of the workforce by 2025, have a different perception; even though they respect the old norm, for them D&I is more about intellectual acceptance.

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The Power of Asian Women Entrepreneurs


A recent international study conducted by Scorpio Partnership for HSBC Private Bank examined 2,834 entrepreneurs who are actively involved in business and are worth at least one million American dollars, with the average worth of survey participants being $4.6 million. The nations covered in the study are mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, the U.K., Germany, France, Switzerland, U.S., United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

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The Effect of Small Business Saturday


Last Tuesday we wrote about Small Business Saturday (SBS), a campaign launched in 2010 focused on encouraging people to patronize small businesses the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The results from this year’s Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey are in, and they reveal inspiring figures for small businesses and the public’s awareness and support of them. Continue reading

Support Local Businesses on Small Business Saturday


For many holiday shoppers, Thanksgiving is linked to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but how many of you have heard of Small Business Saturday (SBS)? Unlike the popular Friday and Monday deals, Small Business Saturday is focused on local, small businesses. American Express launched the program in 2010 to encourage shoppers to buy local and help their neighborhood businesses thrive.

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