As a female founder of a real estate brokerage with a brand solely created by my vision and also being an advocate for female owned businesses, I believe that I have the leadership and mentor mentality that fits the role as a NAWRB Delegate.

The opportunity to leverage my experience starting both businesses and nonprofits allows me to empower women who also have the dream to create organizations of their own.

I’m at the point in my career where I’m looking to expand my roles in leadership and networking, therefore, being in a position such as a Delegate appears to fit that desire perfectly!

Coming from a small country in Africa, the housing industry is dominated by men and I would like to see a change in that especially in Africa and i believe having the drive and passion for the housing industry as a woman I will empower other women not only that but also raise awareness and make information available about this industry to the community.

As a Multi-Family Real Estate professional, I’ve experienced and witnessed the disparity between male and female colleagues. Men have more say and more influence than women in this arena. Even though we may have more experience, ideas, success, we are not given the same opportunities as my male colleagues.
I look for opportunities to mentor female team members to become not only a dreamer but a doer. Encouraging education, advancement and team and community involvement to advance their career and life goals. To have the confidence they too can be extremely successful.
I would make an excellent NAWRB Delegate Spokeswomen to encourage women, foster support, build relationships, mentor for success and help develop an entrepreneurial spirit.

A Look into 2020 NAWRB WHER: Volume III – Business Ownership

vol 3

Volume III: Business Ownership – As women in business, we are doing more than shattering the “Glass Ceiling”; We are creating greater opportunities for ourselves, others, and driving the American economy.The WHER Report is the Women Housing Ecosystem Report, a vital read for women making change through and beyond the housing and real estate ecosystem in the 21st century.

There are six volumes of the report, defined by their distinct but overlapping characteristics. The topics are highly intersectional: DE&I, Real Estate, Business Ownership, STEM, Access to Capital, Aging Population.

Visit to learn more about each volume!

#education #information #businessownership

2020 NAWRB WHER – Over SEVENTY Resources in Six Volumes – Get your digital copy TODAY!

WHER Cover (1)

Wealth is defined by having options. We must provide our children with resources to grow prosperity! If we do not provide future generations opportunities for wealth building and training for wealth management, we risk setting them up for failure. What can we do now to help our children achieve economic empowerment and sustainability?

Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) proudly introduces the 2020 NAWRB Women Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER), the fourth installment of the most diverse coverage of the Housing Ecosystem with over sixty resources in six volumes: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Real Estate, Business Ownership, STEM, Access to Capital, and Aging Population with a gender lens perspective.

Dieses Patent ist nun abgelaufen Viagra ohne rezept, verspricht Sildenafil eine langere Wirkungsdauer. Volume I: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 
Buy Volume I today! Click Here

Welcome to the first volume of the 2020 NAWRB Women Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER) on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. The report begins by addressing the latest data on diversity and inclusion at all levels of employment in the workplace, such as the “broken rung” that women face from entry-level to management, followed by an exploration of how businesses are working to maintaining diversity, equity and inclusion in their workplaces during the current global pandemic.

First, we review the status of gender diversity in multiple industries, especially among leadership positions, that make up the real estate ecosystem, or anything that revolves around land. In doing so, we draw on findings from reputable reports, such as McKinsey & Company’s Women in the Workplace 2019 report. Second, we will address some of the major challenges women face in climbing up the ladder and attaining higher-paying positions in their field, such as the “broken rung,” harassment and unconscious bias in the workplace. Third, we will discuss the focus on environmental, social and governance factors in investing, through an ESG Investing approach, and how this transition is positioned to positively impact the opportunities available to diverse businesses and organizations. Fourth and finally, we take a moment to highlight how the current global health crisis has impacted the workforce, and suggest how companies can maintain diversity, equity and inclusion in this unprecedented environment.

Sildenafilo tiene dos indicaciones: en pacientes con disfunción eréctil y en quienes padecen hipertensión arterial pulmonar, Leer el artículo original completo tuve relaciones sexuales pueden deberse a que muchos hombres. Volume II: Real Estate
Buy Volume II today! Click Here

In 2020 NAWRB WHER, Volume II: Real Estate, we explore how the real estate industry is navigating COVID-19 challenges and utilizing technology as a solution. Building on last year’s report, we have expanded the previous homeownership volume to include a broader view of real estate, including a residential, commercial and industrial outlook.

In the first section, we focus on residential real estate, including homeownership, poverty and homelessness. We begin by noting the state of the nation’s housing prior to the COVID-19 pandemic before venturing into the unforeseen effects the crisis has had on the economy, and thus the residential real estate industry. Some findings include that the older population is facing greater hardship in homeownership compared to the younger generations, especially Millennials. Also, we address how minority groups, especially Black homeowners, are being disproportionately impacted by the public health and economic crisis.

Next, we summarize how real estate professionals are utilizing technology to help with business operations and helping clients buy and sell a home. Technology is enabling the industry to not only expedite processes but also connect with clients on a personal level as much as possible. Finally, we go over how the commercial and industrial real estate industries have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Please keep in mind that the industry is changing rapidly and the information presented here might not reflect the current trends and developments. This is first and foremost a useful guide for professionals to use as they prepare for the transition real estate is making to thrive after the pandemic

Para obtener una lista exacta de los efectos secundarios que Tadalafil puede causar, INTERACCIONES FARMACOS si cialis precios no pensar acerca de ruedas accesible camionetas y pensar porque el calcio y otras impurezas que consultar a veces. Volume III: Business Ownership 
Buy Volume III today! Click Here

In the 2020 NAWRB WHER, Volume III: Business Ownership, we address diversity, resources for growth and sustainability, and family offices. From last year’s report, we have broadened our focus from only women-owned businesses to all businesses in general, and now include family offices as a section of business ownership.

This volume addresses a plethora of issues within business ownership, from the state of women-owned businesses and veteran-owned businesses to tools for growth and sustainability, and the latest trends and developments among family offices.

First, we review national trends of women-owned businesses, minority-owned businesses and veteran-owned businesses, and supply useful information about financial resources for recovery from natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, we address must-know resources to scale your business, from diversity classification and government contracting to impact investing and crowdfunding. Third, we provide an overview of the latest key findings regarding the operations and impact of family offices. In doing so, we address how family offices are adapting to new tax codes, intergenerational wealth transfer, a faltering economy and technological disruptors.

Der Kinderarzt Gilles bietet spezialisierte medizinische Betreuung für Kinder aller Altersgruppen an. Volume IV: STEM 
Buy Volume IV today! Click Here

Although women outnumber men in the population and make 85 percent of all purchasing decisions, we live in a world mainly designed by men for men, and women are forced to acclimate to products and tools that are not built with their own unique needs and features in mind. In 2020 NAWRB WHER, Volume IV: STEM, we explore the representation of women in technology design, and how a lack of diversity has resulted in disadvantages for women as consumers.

First, we give vivid examples of how women are disadvantaged by everyday products, professionals tools and equipment, and the negative impact it has on gender equality. Some industries mentioned include gaming and entertainment; financial services; healthcare; transportation; space; and the military-industrial complex.

Second, we explain how this phenomenon is perpetuated by a lack of women in design leadership roles and the general underrepresentation of women in technology design, programs available for increasing women’s leadership, and obstacles are blocking the path for greater gender parity.

We also take a look at women’s representation in artificial intelligence (AI) design and explain why diverse, collaborative teams are important for AI design and how women are well-equipped to facilitate a collaborative spirit. Third and finally, we provide a positive look forward by highlighting organizations that are paving the way for more women in technology design roles and suggestions for how we can increase women-centered innovation, or creation and evaluation of products and tools for women by women. We also list venture capital firms that are making an effort to target women-owned and minority-owned startups.

Volume V: Access to Capital
Buy Volume V today! Click Here

In 2020 NAWRB WHER, Volume V: Access to Capital, we address how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted financial wellbeing, the importance of increasing financial literacy among the general population, and share resources for access to capital.
Time will tell of the economic impact of the pandemic as the country enters another recession, but the financial impact on households and businesses has been swift and inhibiting. Americans are still recovering from job or wage loss and are struggling to pay monthly bills. Similarly, many small businesses have benefited from government assistance, but they are still navigating running their businesses in this new environment in which COVID-19 is an ongoing threat to public health.

In this volume, we will address the impact of COVID-19 on the financial wellbeing of individuals, households and businesses. Then, we will take a deep dive into the factors that contribute to financial wellbeing in order to suggest actionable solutions to helping the nation not only recover from the current pandemic but to be proactive for any future economic crises through financial literacy. In doing so, we will address the impact of education and media on financial literacy, and the importance of integrating the pillars of financial literacy from early education.

Finally, we will provide helpful resources for access to capital, as well as updates to ongoing financial assistance that has been available to small businesses in the form of Economic Injury Disaster Loans and the Paycheck Protection Program.

Volume VI: Aging Population 
Buy Volume VI today! Click Here

In the final volume of this report, 2020 NAWRB WHER, Volume VI: Aging Population, we provide an overview of the growing aging population, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19, and how the housing and real estate population can help at the industry, business and community levels.

The aging population is becoming the largest growing population group in the United States and outnumbering the working-age population. Last year, we addressed how the aging population has been the target of numerous financial scams and are vulnerable to elder financial abuse and neglect – which have both financial, physical and mental ramifications. This year has been fraught with a new threat to the health and wellbeing of the older population: namely, the COVID-19 pandemic, which has proven more fatal to the older population and the immunocompromised.

In addition to providing the latest data on the aging population in the United States, including health and financial wellbeing, we will address the impact that COVID-19 has had on this segment of the population. Similar to last year’s report, we will review the latest findings regarding older adults in terms of the representation in society, before taking a deep dive into how this group is at higher risk of COVID19 related deaths, and how general caregiving has changed during this time period.

We conclude by addressing women’s representation in global wealth and provide actionable solutions for the potential pitfalls family offices might face in making their wealth sustainable and ensuring their investments have the greatest social impact.


WHER Chat: Veteran-Owned & Women-Owned Businesses

WHER Chat: Veteran-Owned & Women-Owned Businesses

In honor of V-J Day, commemorating the end of World War II and the bravery of our veteran soldiers, NDILC member Erica Courtney, President of 2020vet and Zulu Time, U.S. Army Aviation, Major NATO Gender Advisor, highlights serious resource shortfalls for America’s women veterans face as entrepreneurs that the nation must be prepared to face in the near future in our 2020 NAWRB WHER, Volume III: Business Ownership.

Veteran women entrepreneurs possess traits that make them ideal business owners. Due to military training and knowledge, veterans are dependable, conditioned to make hard decisions, have integrity, take initiative and can adapt easily to challenging and evolving situations—all characteristics of a successful business owner. These women may see entrepreneurship as a means to prosper on their own terms by being their own boss.

This is a great time to be a woman veteran entrepreneur as we are the fastest-growing segment within the entrepreneurship community increasing by an astonishing 296 percent since 2007. Some of the reasons include a slight increase in women veterans; they are building businesses out of necessity; 40 percent of veterans are going into business for themselves as compared to the 10 percent Vietnam era entrepreneurs; more veterans have disability ratings than in wars past due to technology and better equipment; recent positive legislative changes; demand for third party corporate certification; and more available resources in terms of capital, education, and counseling.

It is important to note that despite the hurdles, veteran business owners have proven to be twice as successful in terms of revenue and business longevity, are twice as likely to hire other veterans, and contribute over $1.14T in sales receipts, $195B in annual payroll and employ over 5.03M employees. In 2012, veteran women-owned businesses were responsible for nearly 20 billion in receipts – an increase of 26.3 percent since 2007.

Veteran women continue to serve the United States by reinvesting and devoting themselves to the future, not through military service but through entrepreneurship. They are no stranger to hurdles and overcoming barriers as many dealt with this routinely while serving in a male-dominated profession. They are strong, smart, and driven, but we must understand specific challenges they face so we can help them be successful. 

Through entrepreneurship, many of the issues the community faces subside. Instead of masking the problem through medication prescribed at record rates, healthcare systems trying to keep up with a new demographic, and job placement programs in which the majority of veterans quit by year two, let’s put our efforts towards something that is working. It is not only a moral imperative that we take care of them but an economic one as well.

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About 2020 NAWRB WHER

The NAWRB Women Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER), our annual research report, provides the vision to revitalize communication and partnerships between industries as we work together to form mindful strategic solutions for social impact with a gender lens achievement. The 2020 NAWRB WHER includes the most diverse coverage of the Housing Ecosystem with almost eighty resources in six volumes: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Real Estate; Business Ownership; STEM; Access to Capital; and Aging Population. While waiting for the release of 2020 WHER, order a copy of the 2019 NAWRB WHER here!


FDIC Names Five New Members to Its Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee

As it is quite well known, the Great Depression that started in 1929 had a devastating toll on the American economy, people, and spirit. Because of this, Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the 1933 Glass-Seagall Act which created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Through this, a new government agency was born to maintain stability and foster public confidence in national banks by insuring depositors in the case of bank failures. Eighty-seven years later, the FDIC still strives to protect depositors by insuring $250,000 per individual.

In 2011, the FDIC created the Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee (SRAC) in order to provide the FDIC with resources and solutions to a variety of financial issues and companies. With 16 members, the SRAC strives to analyze how the FDIC’s authority under the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 can impact covered individuals and more.

On July 23rd, the FDIC named five new members to the committee. In addition to the current eleven members of the SRAC, the five new members are Dr. Ben S. Bernanke, Gary Cohn, Hon. Robert Drain, Timothy J. Mayopoulos, and Sandie O’Conner. Committee members are chosen based on their wide range of experience in managing complex firms; administering bankruptcies; and working in the legal system, accounting field, and academia.

Click here to view the press release!

Leading through Turbulent Times


Leading a group in any capacity is a big responsibility; more importantly it is one that was generally sought by the person in the role. During my 42 year career with UPS, I had the opportunity to lead many different size groups through many crises. It started in my first assignment with leading nine employees and ultimately ended as Vice President of U.S Operations leading over 200,000. Being in the logistics industry, these crises included earthquakes, hurricanes and attacks such as Sept. 9/11. However, this COVID-19 pandemic is like nothing we have seen as Americans. 

Terms and Conditions

We have all purchased something in our lives where a warranty was offered. When you purchased the warranty, the idea that the item needed some additional protection popped into your mind. The warranty had specifications and they were identified in the “Terms and Conditions” of the contract. Employees come with their own “Terms and Conditions” as well. 

Think for a moment about your job or profession. What do you expect from your employer? Sound communication, respect and a supportive environment are some natural expectations. Are these things “less” important during a crisis? If anything, they become even more important in difficult times. 

When you purchase an item, the “Terms and Conditions” of the contract become invalid if you misuse or abuse the item. People are the same way. They will not support the leader if the “Terms and Conditions” of their employment have been abused. Leaders must consciously consider how their daily interactions impact the psychological “Terms and Conditions” that their people have with them. If they do not consider this, they will be ineffective leaders at some point.

I remember walking with managers to talk with their employees during times of crises. Many times, the employees were upset due to the hours they were working, or that the job was different than what they expected. This was due to the fact that the “Terms and Conditions” with these employees were unclear or were being changed without explanation. In these instances, the level of commitment and dedication of these employees was less than desired. This is always a problem when the psychological “Terms and Conditions” of employment are broken.

Clear Digestible Messaging 

Think back on the times you have attended a meeting and after it was done, you still had unanswered questions. Or how about a meeting when, after the leader had left, there were comments like these: Are you kidding me? Seriously! What are they thinking? 

When reactions like those mentioned above are exhibited, the employees just experienced “mental indigestion.” Like a cook who served a meal that gave everyone indigestion, it becomes visible. The same thing happens when a poor message is given. It’s visible on your people’s faces. You can choose to see it or not. 

Words are the meal you feed your people. When your words come out of your mouth, they decide (not you) how they are digested. It is one thing to gather a group together and read the memo. It is another to inspire them with your words and clearly give direction. Just like a chef must prepare and take care when making a meal, the leader owns the clarity and openness involved in the message. 

Preparation and care must precede the giving of the message. Too often leaders will serve a bad message and later say, “Well, he or she didn’t listen!” Leaders need to consider that when they delivered their message indigestion was delivered as well. Clarity checks are important and it is necessary to ask a few questions of the audience to ensure understanding. This will validate the message and determine whether it tasted good, or if it gave your people indigestion. 

During my time as UPS President of Virginia, we experienced one of the most destructive hurricanes (Isabel) to hit the state. This required our employees to give discretionary effort to do their jobs to ensure people could receive essential items. I found that clear and direct communication, from the leader, calmed my employees and allowed them to focus on the mission. Being able to clearly understand the needs of the team and to serve others, assisted in keeping a positive mental outlook.

Setting Direction for the Team

The single most important reason to set up a structure of leadership in any organization is because it is needed! Without leaders, people would come to work, read memos, and look at messaging boards to get direction. If this method worked effectively, it would be in use everywhere. Organizations just simply would not make this investment. It is too expensive! 

Leaders are expected to set direction and guide teams towards goals and objectives. The organization’s strategy is the game plan. Like players on a professional sports team, your players expect you to coach them daily. 

The minute they come to work, the whistle is blown, and they are playing the game. As a leader, you are expected to participate in it visibly. You do so by setting direction and calling plays that align with the organization’s strategy. 

So the question you have to ask, is what type of leader are you? Are you the command and control leader who simply passes the orders down? Or are you truly setting direction and coaching your people supportively every day? How does it look, taste and feel? 

When they don’t execute the right plays, do you blame them or yourself? How many times have you heard a professional coach blame the players when a professional sports team loses? When they won, how many times did the coach say, “Yes, we won, but it was my excellent coaching that did it!”

Here are the facts of leadership. As a leader, you will have losses and wins. The leader gets all the credit for the losses and none of the credit for the wins. It’s called taking ownership for what you lead! When the position was open, you raised your hand and said, “Pick me! Pick me!” If you weren’t selected, you were disappointed, upset, and even angry. 

Well, you were selected, so taking ownership for what you asked for means setting direction daily for your team and actively coaching them. During a crisis, it means that on steroids. 

As the UPS Vice President of U.S. Operations from 2016-2019, I was privileged to lead large groups of people during many different crises, but none challenged me more than the holiday season of 2018: E-commerce demand more than doubled. Consumers demanded fast, on-time delivery. This required flawless execution to ensure our customer commitments were met. 

The team did an excellent job and had the best service in our history.  The challenge was ensuring that I was setting a strong direction reflective of the UPS CEO and his team, and that the direction was understood down to the front line, encompassing over 200,000 employees at multiple levels. 

People run towards leaders during a crisis and its imperative the direction is well thought out and includes the input of many advisors. I had a staff of experts I consulted with to ensure we all agreed on the direction to move forward. Then I communicated to my teams repeatedly to ensure understanding. I’ve never felt prouder of my teams and their leaders as I did during this time.

In summary, the following three principles are critical during turbulent times:

Leaders must understand the “Terms and Conditions” of their relationships: The leader who doesn’t understand these will be unable to gain the support of their people. If you don’t fulfill these expectations, your people won’t fulfill their agreements.

Leaders must make certain their messaging is clear and digestible: When communicating with your people, make certain your messaging is clear, supported and digestible. If it is not, you will see it clearly in their reactions. If it is not “digestible,” then it will create “indigestion.” When that happens, it is obvious.

Leaders must set direction for the team: The team on their own decides if something makes sense to them. If it doesn’t make sense to them, then it is the opposite of making sense, which to them is nonsense! People generally won’t support nonsense. Do you?

Those in leadership positions, no matter how big or small, should realize you are needed now more than ever. In a crisis, everything moves faster. Information, physical goods and the days run into each other. Slow down and let the game come to you. When it does, be the calming force that your teams need. You can’t be human with your emotions and decisions right now; you need to be superhuman. That means blocking out the noise of distraction and staying focused on your people’s needs. Do this, and when the crisis ends, your team’s support of you won’t. 

The amount of “Times” your people will support a lack of clarity, poor communication and you leading from a distance?  NONE TIMES!


By Noel Massie, Author, Speaker and Retired UPS Vice President of U.S. Operations 


* See this Article and many more in it’s original publication at 

Interview with Meg Epstein Founder & CEO of CA South

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Real estate developer Meg Epstein, Founder & CEO of CA South, who was born in California, but calls Nashville, Tennessee home, has over a decade of experience creating efficient, modern lifestyles for people in their homes and neighborhoods. Epstein founded CA South in 2015 with the idea of bringing to Nashville her sense of design and style of building honed from her days in construction in the state of California.

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WHER Chat: Must-Know Resources to Scale Your Business

Scale your business

Capital is pivotal for the success of any entrepreneur to launch a sustainable and lucrative business. Traditional routes of access to capital are changing as technological development creates new avenues, and the distance between entrepreneur and investor decreases due to an increase in fast and efficient communication.

The 2019 NAWRB Women Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER), the third installment of the most diverse coverage of the housing ecosystem with over sixty resources in six volumes, explains in detail how the advent of gender lens investment and diversity certification has made it easier for entrepreneurs to access modest amounts of capital and opportunities for government contracting. NAWRB is proud to be one of 11 U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)’s women-owned small business resource partners.
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