Women’s Cancers: Helping Women Thrive During, and After Cancer Treatment


ArtiHurria, M.D., director of City of Hope’s Cancer and Ag­ing Research Program and associate professor of medical oncology, is collaborating with researchers from across the country on several important projects. In one ongoing na­tionwide collaborative study with more than 15 institutions, and funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Hurria is evaluating risk factors for toxicity in older women receiving cancer treatment.

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Work-Life Balance: Fulfill Your Passions


Here at NAWRB, we know that success takes time and work.  Every step towards success should be celebrated. For women in the housing economy, we have shown you what is possible with our Inaugural Conference and the different avenues you can utilize to meet your goals. We have touched on the topic of balancing work with home life but we haven’t touched on the topic of having multiple jobs. Most fiction writers can’t survive on writing alone but this doesn’t stop them from writing books. This includes our very own, E.V. Fairfall who is the graphic designer here at NAWRB.

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Real Estate Agents One Step Closer To Using Drones


Technology is rapidly sweeping the real estate industry, adding innovation and ease to the home buying process. With 3D cameras, virtual tours, and aerial photography, it can be daunting for agents to keep up with the evolving landscape, especially if legality is involved. However, new guidelines and initiatives from the FAA are bringing real estate professionals one step closer to using drones for aerial photography.

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Freddie Mac Report Reveals Improving Housing Markets


Freddie Mac has released the findings of its monthly Multi-Indicator Market Index (MiMi) today which highlights the stability of the housing market from a national, state, and metro perspective. The results of March’s MiMi findings points to a more stable housing market.

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4 Troublesome Myths Regarding Female Entrepreneurship


Women are capable of becoming excellent entrepreneurs. However, there are some fallacies that deter women from fulfilling their passion of owning their own businesses. Take a look at the following four myths to avoid when you’re deciding whether or not to start your own business.

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The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster Experience


Darren Hardy—motivational speaker, publisher, author and mentor hosted The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster Experience—an eight-hour workshop seeking to help guests become more proficient entrepreneurs by revealing his own strategies for success as well as methods other successful entrepreneurs use. As part of the NAWRB Media Outreach, and being on a NAWRB committee, Yesenia Lopez from Parkfield Escrow, Inc. was able to attend on a complementary pass.

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