Zombie foreclosures are a nationwide issue and according to the Five Star Institute, almost 37 percent of foreclosed homes across the country are abandoned. What are zombie foreclosures and why are they causing a stir in the market?

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NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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Author Archives: nawrbBlogger
Mentorship: A Boon for Enterprising Women
Who is a Mentor?
Who comes to your mind when you think of the word mentor? Someone older, who has a lot of experience, a favorite teacher from high school, maybe. After all, the word mentor refers to a knowledgeable advisor who can play a key role in your life and career.
Anti-Discrimination Housing Regulations to be Introduced in New York
Discrimination is unjust, especially when it pertains to an individual’s basic necessities such as a home. Most people are aware of redlining practices that occur across the nation, but discrimination does not stop with mortgage lenders and banks.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day, as our generation knows it, is a day for celebrating love. Several dozens of roses, numerous boxes of chocolates and gifts are exchanged on February 14, across the globe. But do you know the history behind this holiday of the hearts? Continue reading →
Fannie Mae Sells Largest Number of Non-Performing Loans to Date
Fannie Mae began its official sale of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) in April 2015 and since then has sold thousands of seriously delinquent loans. These sales are conducted based on guidelines provided by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and require buyers, as articulated on Fannie Mae’s website, “to offer loan modifications to borrowers and provide foreclosure alternatives whenever possible.”
Women in Boardrooms: Ethical and Profitable
There is no two ways about it, diversity in the workplace is essential. True equality—a basic tenet on which this country is built, second only to freedom—cannot be achieved until women receive equal representation and opportunity in our workforce.
After considering ethical responsibility, we must consider the pragmatic benefits of being inclusive to women and minorities. By limiting the participation of entire groups of people we are voluntarily denying the meaningful contributions they can make to our workforce, economy and country. Continue reading →
Drones: An Exciting New Tool for Real Estate Professionals, and One Full of Risk
The Landy Insurance Agency is a NAWRB strategic partner and steadfast supporter of our mission to provide women and women-owned businesses the tools and awareness for growth and success. Dedicated to providing their clients with the utmost service, Landy is experienced in recognizing pertinent industry issues, developments and initiatives. One of the newest topics Landy is working to address is the use of drone technology in the real estate industry. Discover the ways in which drones are changing the industry and what you can do to protect your business when utilizing today’s latest technology.
Drone technology may be more than a fad but rather, an exciting new tool for many real estate professionals to survey, assess and show properties. Laws around drone use are still in developmental stages, if in existence at all. Similarly, drone usage in real estate is new and untested. What is clear is that real estate professionals can put themselves at risk through the use of drones, and the insurance industry has not yet formulated a cohesive response to coverage. Therefore, current policy coverages and exclusions will need to suffice until drone usage is more specifically addressed in E&O and General Liability policies. Continue reading →
Diversity and Inclusion in the Tech Industry and Beyond
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) does not only mean employing people from different ethnic backgrounds, it also involves gender. According to a report from the Professional Diversity Network, women make up 41.5 percent of the entire national workforce and flourish in accounting and bookkeeping, legal services, education and health. Are there enough women in other sectors like technology and engineering?
Cultivating a Flexible Work Culture
We live in a fast-paced world that is outgrowing the era of the 9 to 5 work day spent cooped up at a desk. Millennials, who are the debutants in the workforce, have a different perspective and desire flexible schedules with the liberty of working from anywhere. Is that too much to ask for, especially when technology affords this flexibility?
The Enterprises Announce their Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) Process
On Tuesday, February 2, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac introduced the Independent Dispute Resolution (IDR) process to help resolve mortgage repurchase related issues. Though the IDR does not annex the Enterprises’ authority over appeals, it allows lenders to approach an independent third-party entity with loan disputes that remain unresolved after undergoing an appeals process. The IDR is meant to ensure faster resolution of such loan breaches and avoid prolongation of the process.