Whether you own a small business or large real estate firm, it’s important to create a positive and pleasant work environment to not only promote happiness but encourage a solid work ethic amongst your employees. If you work from home, you can still use the following tips to spruce up your home office and add excitement to each work day.
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NAWRB: An SBA Resource
NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
Check It OutNAWRB Aging Population
Help Protect Elders
from Financial Abuse
Over $36.5 billion a year is lost annually in the U.S.
Prevent Financial Abuse
Women's Homeownership:
Dream. Stability. Sanctuary.
Life often presents us
with unplanned disruptions.
AI Technology
a Human Touch
The Perfect Balance
NAWRB Women's Global Resource Center
A women’s depository for vendors & clients to grow their diverse spend & increase women’s employment at all levels within the housing ecosystem.
Author Archives: NAWRB
How Women Can Practice Self-Care to Alleviate Stress
People who work in the housing industry can often feel pressured to always be on top of their game. They have to constantly smile, be bubbly and upbeat. Since these people meet with clients regularly, they may feel it necessary to always put their best foot forward. While this is a nice thought, sometimes it’s just not possible. When we try to reach this impossible standard, it can be easy to feel mentally drained. Not to mention, we can feel phony and even anxious. So what can we do to help ensure that we’re keeping some of our mental energy to ourselves? The answer is self-care.
Freddie Mac: Net Income of $7.7 Billion Reported for 2014
Today, Freddie Mac announced its net income for 2014 which amounted to $7.7 billion, down $41 billion from the financial results of 2013.
5 Convenient Snacks For Working Women On The Go
Women in the housing industry are always on the go. Whether you’re in escrow, real estate, or a mortgage broker, your stomach needs to stay satisfied and you need to take care of yourself. When hunger strikes, we tend to be low in energy and our metabolisms can slow down. The solution: pack nutritious on-the-go snacks. Snacks can help ward off hunger pangs, keep you fuller longer and decrease overeating during mealtimes. Check these out:
Expanded NY Legislation to Hinder "Zombie Properties"
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced on Monday his plan to resubmit an expanded bill that would hinder the proliferation of ‘zombie properties.’ The term ‘zombie properties’ refers to properties that have been abandoned by their owners, most often because of foreclosure, and are in disrepair.
Expanded NY Legislation to Hinder “Zombie Properties”
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced on Monday his plan to resubmit an expanded bill that would hinder the proliferation of ‘zombie properties.’ The term ‘zombie properties’ refers to properties that have been abandoned by their owners, most often because of foreclosure, and are in disrepair.
3 Active Ways To Combat On-The-Job Sleepiness
Real estate agents with busy schedules can probably relate to daytime sleepiness. When they’re in the field, it is imperative stay alert and ready to work.
HUD Secretary Castro's Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee Ignites Opposition
Earlier this week, we blogged about the upcoming House Financial Services Committee hearing featuring U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julian Castro. The hearing, titled The Future of Housing in America: Oversight of the Federal Housing Administration, was directed towards the financial status of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the condition of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF), and recent initiatives to promote affordable housing.
HUD Secretary Castro’s Testimony before the House Financial Services Committee Ignites Opposition
Earlier this week, we blogged about the upcoming House Financial Services Committee hearing featuring U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Julian Castro. The hearing, titled The Future of Housing in America: Oversight of the Federal Housing Administration, was directed towards the financial status of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the condition of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (MMIF), and recent initiatives to promote affordable housing.
Top 4 Creative Ways To Zen Out At Work
How do you combat stress when you need to stay focused? Learn how to calm yourself in healthy ways so you can enjoy your day and preserve your mental health. Here’s how: