In a recent feature in 60 Minutes of CBS News, Marc Benioff, CEO of tech company Salesforce shares the importance of gender equality in the workplace, and the steps he is taking to make sure the men and women of his 30,000 employees are paid equally for the same work. Thank you to Marcia Davies, COO of Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) and Council Member of NAWRB’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) for bringing this motivating story to our attention.

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Author Archives: NAWRB
February 2018: African-American History Month
The month of February is dedicated to the commemoration and celebration of the important contributions African Americans have brought to the United States. American historian Carter G. Woodsen introduced Black History Week on Feb 12, 1926, which was continually celebrated every second week of February, coinciding with the birth dates of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
CFPB Names Kirsten Sutton Mork Chief of Staff
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced today that Kirsten Sutton Mork has been appointed as its new Chief of Staff. Sutton Mork previously served as Staff Director of the House Financial Services Committee, and has worked on Capitol Hill through the financial crisis and subsequent legislative response.
“Climate Gentrification” across the U.S.
First published in research by Jesse M. Keenan, an Urban Development and Climate Adaptation researcher at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, the term “climate gentrification” refers to climate change’s role in reshaping real estate markets. As with urban gentrification, these climate-driven shifts could potentially displace millions of residents in cities around the country.
The Power of Mentoring for Women and Minorities
A recent study from executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles, Creating a culture of mentorship, highlights the importance of workplace mentoring programs to women and minorities, thereby accentuating the potential of effective mentoring programs in helping close gender and racial gaps in the workplace.
Top 10 NAWRB Stories of 2017
As another year comes to a close, we’d like to look back and highlight our Top 10 Stories from 2017. From opening a Washington, D.C. Office to releasing our inaugural Women in Housing Ecosystem Report (WHER), NAWRB has had a historic year!
Happy Holidays from NAWRB to You!
It’s that time of year again! Homes are alight with holiday decorations, shopping centers are booming with festive music as customers buy last-minute gifts and airports are buzzing with people excited to come home to see family and friends.
Riveting Effects of Women’s Sanctuaries
The phrase “on paper” is beautifully paradoxical, denoting the trustworthiness of information written on paper while simultaneously undermining its reliability by noting its myopia.