Health Crisis of Older U.S. Veterans


In honor of Memorial Day on May 27th, 2019, a holiday honoring the women and men who have died in military service for the United States, NAWRB is highlighting the current state of older veterans living in the states. The aging population of veterans, an often overlooked segment of U.S. citizens, face a variety of obstacles when it comes to receiving VA health care and disability benefits.

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Just Released: NAWRB Magazine, sheCENTER(FOLD) Joanne Lipman, Best-Selling Author, Former USA TODAY Editor in Chief


Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) is pleased to announce the release of NAWRB Magazine Volume 8, Issue 1, Real Estate Finance & Investment! This issue introduces a newly redesigned layout with articles categorized into meaningful sections, including Profile, Legislative, Business Ownership, Technology, sheCenterfold, Independence, Community, Living and Homeownership. With this redesign, we are synthesizing our resources to further our support of economic independence with a gender lens perspective.

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Happy Memorial Day from NAWRB!


Nationwide, Americans will be celebrating Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th.  Observed the last Monday of May, Memorial Day is a holiday honoring the women and men who have died in military service for the United States. Memorial Day was officially recognized as a federal holiday in 1971, and was originally known as Decoration Day in the years following the American Civil War. Americans commemorate the day by attending memorials and cemeteries, holding parades and hosting neighborhood barbecues.

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Minority Women-Owned Businesses Have Grown 163 Percent Since 2007


The 2018 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report, commissioned by American Express provides detailed information and statistics regarding women business owners in the United States, including minority women’s gains in entrepreneurship and challenges they continue to face.

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Senator Kamala Harris Proposes Equal Pay Certification for Large Companies


Women who work full time are paid about 80 cents for every dollar a man makes, which adds up to over $400,000 in missed wages over a woman’s career. For minority women, the loss is about $1 million in missed wages, according to the National Women’s Law Center.

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AREAA Releases 2019 State of Asia America Report

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The Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) just released the 2019 State of Asia America Report, which provides a thorough profile of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPIs)communities residing in the United States. The report provides information on the education, homeownership rates, economic impact, consumerism and other important topics on this often underrepresented and misrepresented segment of the population.

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Mother’s Day 2019


On Sunday, May 12th, Americans will celebrate Mother’s Day, a national holiday honoring mothers and motherhood. Mother’s Day was first organized by Anna Jarvis in Grafton, WV and Philadelphia, PA on May 10, 1908. As the annual celebration gained popularity, Jarvis requested that Congress officially recognize a day to honor mothers. In 1914 Congress designated the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

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DiversityInc’s Top 50 Companies for Diversity


DiversityInc just announced their annual list of the Top 50 Companies for Diversity for 2019. Over 1,800 companies participated in a survey to evaluate the performance of their diversity-management initiatives in the context of their own industries. The four key areas under evaluation were talent pipeline, talent development, leadership accountability and supplier diversity. See below for the companies that outperformed the competition in diversity.

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