6 Smart Ways Professional Women Should Be More “Selfish”


There are certain times in life when it is okay to be “selfish.” When we take care of ourselves, we tend to be more confident, which translates into being more successful in our careers and having more energy in every aspect of our lives. Check out our list of the best times to have your own interest in mind.

1. When Receiving a Compliment

We can sometimes have a difficult time accepting compliments. If someone compliments our sweater, we may say, “oh, this old thing?” Enough with that. When it comes to compliments, we should drink them in, give a sincere “thank you,” and allow ourselves to relish in the fact that we are wonderful.

2. When Asking For a Raise

Asking for a raise is the perfect time to sell yourself and ask for compensation that matches what you are worth . This is not the time to cower or be bashful. You do a great job and deserve to be rewarded.

3. After You’ve Had A Long Day

After a long, frustrating day, try to do at least one thing that makes you happy. Perhaps that means  getting pampered, window shopping, or eating something delicious. When you’ve had a hard day, you deserve to feel better and put a little bit of pizzazz in your day.

4. When You Need a Friend

Some of us have the tendency to feel “selfish” when we need to vent or are feeling lonely. We may not want to “burden” other people with our problems. But a real friend wants what’s best for you and will be there to listen.

5. When Your Work Is Piling Up

It can be smart to delegate some of your tasks to other staff members. You’re human and only have so much energy, so many hands, and only one body. So for example, if you’re a real estate agent and have a packed schedule, you can ask your transaction coordinator to fill out some of your paperwork. Always remember: when you work yourself to the bone and do everything on your own, you won’t have enough energy to do your job well, which makes your work suffer.  Make sure you are getting help when you need it.

6. When Someone Is Putting You Down

Don’t allow anyone to make you feel less than amazing . When people are condescending towards you, this means they are unhappy with themselves and are taking their anger out on you. It is important to take care of yourself in this situation by being firm, assertive and being kind to yourself. You deserve to be treated with respect, end of story.

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