Know the Rules of the Game RECAP: SPECIAL GUEST Shlomo Chopp!


Yesterday, Shlomo Chopp joined Desiree Patno on an all-new Know the Rules of the Game Podcast to discuss the ways we can revive eCommerce and help small business owners in a time of online stores and express shipping!

Here are Chopp’s Three Rules and Tip of the Day:

Rule #1: eCommerce is not a profitable venture on its own.
Rule #2: Retail space cannot only be evaluated by in-store sales, nor can it charge rent based on eCommerce.
Rule #3: Traditional methods of financing real estate is at the core of retail challenges.

Tip: To succeed, shopping center owners must do more than rent four walls.

Missed the podcast? Don’t worry! Watch or listen to the full episode on YouTube ( or at

#podcast #retail #ecommerce #smallbusiness

Family Office Coffee Clutch SPECIAL GUEST: Arthur Bavelas


Next Monday, the Family Office Coffee Clutch will be featuring our special guest Arthur Andrew Bavelas, Founder & CEO of BavelasGroup Family Office & Family Office Insights!

Come join Desiree Patno, Wendy Craft, Marty Dutch, and De Anna Guerreiro on Clubhouse for another week of catching up on all the latest opportunities, news, conferences, and more within the family office realm!
Skip the waitlist and RSVP for the event here:

EVENT RECAP: July 2021 Be Present


“The best thing for your mental, business, and leadership health is being present.” -Tami Bonnell

Thank you to Tami for kicking July off with another great NDILC’s Ten Women Leadership Principle Broadcast discussing the importance of being present and what it means to her!

Principle #8. Be Present: Sharing your time is one of the most valuable gifts you can give. Do it with intention by truly being present.

Watch the full NDILC Ten Women Leadership Principles Broadcast here:

We want to hear YOUR stories of how you #Listen in your life. Tell us by using these hashtags! #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties #NDILCTopTen

#leadership #professionaldevelopment #bepresent