Acknowledge Trailblazer Quote of the Day: Tami Bonnell


Throughout the rest of December, we want to remind you what it means to acknowledge trailblazers and how YOU can be a trailblazer yourself! Don’t forget to send us your stories of acknowledging and being trailblazers using these hashtags #NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenforTwenties #DILCTopTen

Remember to check out and our YouTube channel (@NDILC) to watch our recorded broadcasts and get excited about JANUARY 2021’s theme: Keep Achieving!

#1 Acknowledge Trailblazers with the NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen


Our first “Getting Real About Leadership” event with the NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen was a blast! Thank you to our delegates and everyone who was able to join us, and a special shout out Leora Ruzin for leading the dialogue of what it means to Acknowledge Trailblazers. If you missed it, you can check out the video on Youtube (

Our next event will be on JANUARY 7th, 2021, 9 am PST with NDILC member Kellie Aamodt sharing what it means to Keep Achieving.

Go to to RSVP and check out all future events at!

#NDILCLeadership #NDILCPrinciples #NDILCTenForTwenties #NDILCTopTen