After dealing with numerous deadly fires earlier this year, California is currently dealing with three major wildfires, including the Camp Fire in Butte County, the Woosley Fire in Los Angeles County and the Hill Fire in Ventura County. California Governor-elect Gavin Newsom recently issued emergency proclamations in response to the wildfires and requested statewide FEMA Emergency Declaration. While Cal Fire firefighters still work hard to contain these fires and affected homeowners plan their next steps, it is important to know about the available resources for financial and physical damage recovery.

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Monthly Archives: November 2018
NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswoman Training – Nov. 16th, 2018
The NAWRB Delegate Program—which is accessible to NAWRB Elite Members only—equips women with their strategic speaking presentations and resources for bottom-line growth. As a NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswoman, you can elevate your business on the national stage, drive conversation with industry leaders, non-profits and government entities, and become a vetted industry speaker. The NAWRB Delegate Program is hosting a training event on November 16th, 2017 at Lake Tahoe,CA, taking place a day before NAWRB’s Exclusive Mastermind Retreat in the same location on Nov.17-18th.
5 Nuggets Every Realtor Should Have in Their Pocket
This past Wednesday, Nov. 7th, Steve Haskell, Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer at NeighborWorks Orange County, was featured and interviewed on our NAWRB sheCall: Purchasing a Home with Reverse Mortgage. Thank you to Steve Haskell, NeighborWorks Orange County, and all of our participants for joining us on the call. In case you missed it, Steve shared invaluable “golden nuggets” that all realtors should have at their disposal when working with clients. Read more out to find out whether you know them.
Just Released: NAWRB Exclusive Special Edition Magazine – Year of Women
Women in the Housing and Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) announces the release of NAWRB Magazine Volume 7, Issue 3, The 5th Annual 2018 NAWRB Conference Special Edition. This issue brings exclusive coverage of our exceptionally high-profile and information-packed conference celebrating the “Year of Women” in Chicago, IL, the heart of America and the city’s business center. In case you missed it, or you are eager to relive the experience, this issue, accompanied with extensive video coverage, you can catch a glimpse of the incredible discussions, presentations and connections made at this diverse gathering of thought leaders and industry experts.
Women Make History in the 2018 Midterm Elections
Yesterday, Tuesday, Nov. 6th, Americans took to the polls to cast their votes in the 2018 Midterm Elections to elect candidates for Senate, the House of Representatives, State Governors and other local appointments and propositions. Not only did we see a surge of women and minority voters this year, but over 100 women were elected into Congress—at least 98 women in the House and 13 in the Senate—the highest representation of women in U.S. history.
Celebrate Veterans Day Nov. 11th!
Veterans Day is Sunday, November 11th, but will be observed on the following Monday, a national holiday honoring all the men and women who have served in American wars with parades, speeches and a remembrance ceremony in Arlington, VA. The day originated as “Armistice Day” on Nov.11, 1919, marking the first anniversary of the end of World War I. In 1926, Congress passed a resolution to make the day an annual observance, before President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared Veterans Day a national holiday in 1954.
Nov. 7th NAWRB sheCall: Purchasing a Home with Reverse Mortgage
Mark your calendars for our next sheCall on Wednesday, Nov. 7th, 2018, at 8:30- 9:30 AM PST. Steve Haskell, Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer at NeighborWorks Orange County, will be featured and interviewed on our NAWRB sheCall: Purchasing a Home with Reverse Mortgage. To listen, call in at 949-209-6642, and don’t forget to RSVP by emailing
Growth of Older Population Exceeds Total U.S. Population and Other Census Bureau Facts
The U.S. Census Bureau just released findings on the rapidly growing older population, of adults ages 65 and older, in a report. Due to a trend of lower birth rates and longer life spans, the growth of the older population now exceeds the total population and the population of citizens under the age of 65.