We are thrilled that today, September 6th is National Read a Book Day. For many of us, reading was a first love. And even if it didn’t come to us easily or naturally, many of us know what it felt like when you first found an author or genre that spoke to you, that sparked your imagination, that seemed to know who you really were.

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Daily Archives: September 6, 2018
HUD Announces Nearly $99 Million Awarded for Disabled Residents
On Tuesday, HUD issued a press release announcing its awarding of $98.5 million to 285 public housing authorities across the country. These housing vouchers are intended to provide permanent housing assistance to “non-elderly persons with disabilities” who are, according to HUD, either transitioning out of institutional or other separated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization or who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
The press release emphasized that these are new vouchers, providing permanent housing to an additional 12,000 low-income disabled residents per year and that it meets the Americans with Disabilities Act goal by helping people with disabilities to live in an integrated setting.
They also provided a list of the PHAs in each state that have been awarded the vouchers and for which amounts.
View the original press release here.