President Trump has announced his intent to appoint Jovita Carranza Treasurer of the United States. Carranza is the Founder of JCR Group and previously served as the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Deputy Administrator under President George W. Bush, upon receiving unanimous confirmation. Carranza earned her MBA from the University of Miami.

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Monthly Archives: April 2017
CFPB Releases Report Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has released a report summarizing strategies for the promotion of diversity and inclusion (D&I) by mortgage industry professionals. Addressing diversity practices, such as establishing engagement from top leadership, the report comes from the CFPB’s collaboration with the financial services industry.
Financial CHOICE Act of 2017: What does the future hold for consumers and entrepreneurs?
On Wednesday, the Financial Services Committee (FSC) held the “A Legislative Proposal to Create Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers, and Entrepreneurs” hearing on the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017. The bill’s objective is stated in its discussion draft as, “To create hope and opportunity for investors, consumers, and entrepreneurs by ending bailouts and Too Big to Fail, holding Washington and Wall Street accountable, eliminating red tape to increase access to capital and credit, and repealing the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that make America less prosperous, less stable, and less free, and for other purposes.”
FDIC Economic Inclusion Summit 2017: Highlighting Real Issues
Today, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) hosts its first Economic Inclusion Summit exploring strategies to bring consumers into the financial mainstream. NAWRB CEO & President Desirée Patno and Government Relations Chairwoman Silvia N. Rathell are in attendance, participating in the mission to increase the involvement and impact of disenfranchised American consumers.
NAWRB Digs Our Heels into the Ground in Washington, D.C.
With National Small Business Week just five days away, what better time for NAWRB to attend decisive Washington, D.C. meetings and events? As a leading voice for women and women-owned and small businesses in the housing ecosystem, we recognize the importance of being on the edge of new developments and maintaining our pivotal relationships in the nation’s capital.
NAWRB Announces Ten-X as a Premier Strategic Partner
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is proud to announce Ten-X as a Premier Strategic Partner. A real estate technology industry powerhouse, Ten-X recognizes the importance of growing the community of women and women-owned and small businesses in the housing ecosystem.
5 Ways to Beat Your Monday Blues
Monday has always gotten the short end of the stick, often viewed as an unhappy day following our relaxing weekends. Phrases like the “Monday Blues” have even become commonplace as people try to describe the gloom they feel about having to return to work.
Cybersecurity Still an Issue within Banks
A recent Accenture report surveying hundreds of senior banking security executives around the world, Building Confidence: Solving Banking’s Cybersecurity Conundrum, reveals that cybersecurity threats for banks and other financial services institutions remain a pervasive problem despite general bank confidence.
Six of the 10 Lowest-Paying College Majors are Female-Dominated
A new study from Glassdoor, The Pipeline Problem: How College Majors Contribute to the Gender Pay Gap, takes a look at the role of education in the lack of pay parity between men and women. While approximately 20 percent of the pay gap is accounted for by situations in which women earn less despite having equal experience in the same role at the same company, the gap also results from differences in industry and education.
Urban Land Institute: Immigrants’ Desire for Homeownership Will Shape Housing Market
A recent report from the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Terwilliger Center for Housing, Home in America: Immigrants and Housing Demand, finds that the home choices of immigrants will have a strong impact on urban growth in the U.S. for decades to come, especially as an increasing amount of foreign-born residents look to buy homes in suburban communities.