Keynote Speaker Toni Moss,
CEO, AmeriCatalyst

Current Trajectory of the U.S. Housing Market over the next five to 10 years
In this keynote session, AmeriCatalyst CEO Toni Moss adapts the title of Joan Didion’s book, “The Year of Magical Thinking,” into a presentation on the current state of global economics; the wave of populist backlash against globalization and the current trajectory of the U.S. housing market over the next five to 10 years. Always thought-provoking and compelling, not to mention entertaining, Toni provides unique insight into current affairs and previews the unreleased content and final chapter of her iconic AMERICATALYST event this September.

Marcia Davies – COO, MBA & Tami Bonnell – CEO, EXIT Realty
As COO of MBA, which monitors thousands of legislative issues, Davies brings a mortgage finance insider look while Bonnell, CEO of an international real estate company, addresses the brokerage angle; both identifying the pressing matters in their sectors and the consequences on housing ecosystem professionals.

Logan Mohtashami, Senior Loan Manager, AMC Lending Group & Housing Data Analyst
With over 20 years of housing ecosystem experience and specialized coverage of the U.S. economy, featured by leading outlets Bloomberg, CNBC and the Wall Street Journal, Logan Mohtashami brings a unique perspective to women’s economic and homeownership growth.