NAWRB Events Work To Inspire Women In Real Estate


The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) works to bring women to the forefront of the housing industry with accountability and results by increasing the number of women in the boardrooms and executive offices of America.

Along with their advocacy, NAWRB has several upcoming events to help inform their community of industry develpments and better prepare them to successfully navigate the future of the housing continuum.

NAWRB’s Women’s Homeowndership Initiative & Calendar

NAWRB’s National Women’s Homeownership Initiative (WHI) is committed to increasing women’s homeownership throughout the country. As women make advancements in our workforce, it is imperative to strengthen their growth with strong economic foundations. As more women achieve homeownership, they will secure their progress and thus pave the way for future generations while lowering the number of women living below the poverty level.
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Diversity & Inclusion: Effects on Homebuyers


Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is receiving more attention in the business world, as a greater number of companies are increasing their efforts to include women and minorities in their workforce. A recent study, Women in the Workplace, conducted by and McKinsey & Company reveals disappointing results; it shows that the American corporate world is nowhere near achieving gender equality. The study analyzed 118 companies, 30,000 employees, and reveals that over the past three years, there was only a meager increase of 0.9 percent in the number of C-Suite women; as the report asserts, at this rate it will take women at least 100 years to match men in similar roles, and at least 25 years to match men even in senior vice presidential positions.

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