Yesterday, Freddie Mac announced that it is doing something that it has never done in the past— offering investors actual losses on mortgages. Earlier this year, the government-sponsored enterprise made first-loss position available to investors as a part of its Structured Agency Credit Risk Series, but this new offering makes for some exciting new changes.

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Monthly Archives: April 2015
Best Ways to Assert Yourself in a Male-Dominated Workplace
Currently, women in the United States encompass 47 percent of the total labor force. Despite this statistic, women still struggle to assert their presence in the workplace. This especially holds true in housing-related industries that are still dominated by males, such as construction where women only comprise 2.6 percent.
Major Sale: Fannie Mae to Follow in Freddie Mac’s Footsteps
Fannie Mae has joined the ranks of Freddie Mac in selling delinquent loans to clean up its portfolio. The delinquent loans consist of non-performing single-family mortgages and will be sold in pools to buyers in the near future.
NAWRB Membership
Tune in & join NAWRB on Friday, April 3rd at 8:30 am PST for a fun and informative SheCall! NAWRB CEO Desiree Patno will be discussing the benefits of NAWRB membership & information regarding upcoming events and opportunities for engagement as a NAWRB member.
Top 5 Wellness Retreats In The U.S.
It is very important that women make wellness a priority. When we work tirelessly and forget about exercise, proper nutrition and relaxation, we forgo good health. If it’s been a long time since you nurtured your well-being, it may be time to go on a retreat and de-stress. Luckily, there are many places to do so here in the U.S.
Want Capital? Programs to Help Women Entrepreneurs
The Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development of New York City has recently announced an initiative to help connect 5,000 women from low-income neighborhoods with free training and business services that are critical to developing a business. The initiative, Women Entrepreneurs New York City (WE NYC), is just one of many programs sweeping the nation for women entrepreneurs.
Top Cities for Flipping Homes
Featured in NAWRB Magazine (Vol 4: Issue 2)

Celebrate Women in the Housing Industry with the Roaring Twenty Awards
Join us for our third annual national awards program that will be held on August 18, 2015 as we shine a glistening light on the outstanding women in the housing economy who are leaders in their field and passionately involved in their communities.
U.S. Supreme Court Decisions Affecting Housing Professionals
The latest cases to reach the Supreme Court could change how Chapter 7 bankruptcy affects homeowners. Another issue that parallels this one is mortgage-backed securities, which affected investors during the 2008 crash.