The aging population is an often neglected but significant portion of our society that will become dependent on younger generations for their physical, mental and financial wellbeing. In this panel from the 2019 NAWRB Conference, experts from different industries will discuss the aging population, including, Dr. Chitra Dorai, Founder & CEO, Amicus Brain Innovations, Inc.; Terry Bayer, Director of the California Water Service Group; John Figueroa, CEO & Managing Partner of Bailey Cavan Capital LLC, Former CEO & Board member of Genoa Healthcare, and Former CEO but current Chairman of Apria Healthcare Group Inc.; and Dr. Debra Cherry, Executive Vice President of Alzheimer’s Greater Los Angeles and Clinical Psychologist.

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Tag Archives: WHERChat
WHER Chat: Emergency Declaration for Commercial Vehicles Delivering Coronavirus Relief
On March 13th, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued a national emergency declaration, which supersedes an 83-year-old preexisting ruling, to provide hours-of-service regulatory relief to commercial vehicle providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts intended to meet immediate needs, such as supplying medical supplies and equipment for COVID-19 testing and medical workers; food for emergency restocking of store; as well as equipment for temporary housing and quarantine facilities. For more information on the emergency declaration, click here.
Watch the video from the “Government Panel” during the 2019 NAWRB Conference, which featured government officials who discussed the importance of a recent proposed rulemaking made by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) last year that revised its Hours of Service of Drivers (HOS) rules for commercial truck drivers to improve the supply chain, safety of commercial truck drivers and livestock. Watch the video here:
WHER Chat: 50 Percent of Global Managers at Unilever are Women
London-based consumer goods based company Unilever announced significant achievements they have made towards reaching gender parity among their global managers. According to their announcement on March 3, 2020, women now make up 50 percent of management globally at their company. This figure has increased 12 percent since ten years ago, when women made up 38 percent off management.
WHER Chat: SBA Disaster Assistance for California Small Businesses Economically Impacted by Severe Storms & Flooding
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Jovita Carranza announced the SBA is offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses in California regions that have been economically impacted by the severe storms and flooding that occurred in San Bernardino County Nov. 27- Dec. 1, 2019. The disaster declaration was made on Feb. 12, 2020, following a request from Governor Gavin Newsom’s representative Mark S. Ghilarducci.
WHER Chat: Gender Wage Gap Narrows as Women Acquire Highly Sought-After Skills
According to a recent report by the Pew Research Center, women are making gains in the workplace as they continue to meet the demand of specific skill sets from employers by gaining more skills and earning higher levels of education. Employers in the United States are commonly pursuing workers with social skills, including the art of negotiation and persuasion, as well as fundamental skills in critical thinking and writing. Female workers who meet these requirements are rising, and these types of jobs also pay more, which is contributing to the narrowing wage gap. Continue reading →
WHER Chat: Tornado Warning Issued Christmas Night: Take Shelter Now in Parts of CA! Were You Prepared?
As Christmas Day neared its end, Californians in parts of Santa Barbara and Orange County received an unexpected tornado warning due to a risk caused by heavy rain, snow and winds resulting in a winter storm. Two storms developed during this time with one in Southern California that flooded the 5 Freeway in the Grapevine, Angeles Crest Highway, the 15 Freeway in the Cajon Pass and other freeways across Los Angeles County.
WHER Chat: Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates
The U.S. Census Bureau just released new data from the Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) program, providing the only up-to-date, single-year income and poverty statistics for the nation’s 3,141 counties and 13,197 school districts. Among other key findings for 2018, the report reveals that 13.6 percent of counties had a statistically significant increase in median household income from 2007, while 5.5 percent had a decrease.
WHER Chat: U.S. Census Bureau Releases Same-Sex Household Estimates
The U.S. Census Bureau has released estimates of same-sex couples in its annual America’s Families and Living Arrangements tables for the first time in history. The 2019 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) reveals that there are 543,000 same-sex married couple households in the U.S., 469,000 households with same-sex unmarried partners living together, and 191,000 children living with same-sex parents.
WHER Chat: Gender Gaps in STEM Across the World
According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), median annual earnings for women in STEM fields are $64,000 versus $78,000 for men, and women are only three in 10 of STEM workers. There is a discernible gender gap certain high-tech jobs in the United States. For instance, women accounted for less than 20 percent of those employed in these positions in 2017. In particular, women made up 18.7 percent of software developers, applicants and systems software positions; 4.2 percent of computer network architects; and 8.9 percent of aerospace engineers.
WHER Chat: November is National Family Caregivers Month
November is National Family Caregivers Month, which pays tribute to the millions of Americans who selflessly care for family members who are chronically ill, elderly or have a disability. Taking care of a loved one comes with its own unique set of challenges and joys, and this month is dedicated to recognizing caregivers for all their efforts in providing support and comfort to their loved ones in their homes and communities.