Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is now a global pandemic that has altered many facets of human life in the past few months, especially in the past couple of weeks, as countries are taking measures to contain the outbreak and protect the safety of their citizens. The travel industry has especially been affected as people are being forced to cancel or change their preexisting travel plans, whether international or domestic, as more countries are being labeled as high risk areas for contracting the virus.

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Tag Archives: travel
Most Liveable Cities are in Austria and Australia
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)’s Global Liveability Index 2019 has ranked Vienna, Austria as the world’s most liveable city for the second year in a row, followed by Melbourne and Sydney. The index surveys 140 cities annually based on stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure categories. Cities from Canada, Australia and Japan comprise the other top ten most livable cities.
Happy Holidays from NAWRB to You!
It’s that time of year again! Homes are alight with holiday decorations, shopping centers are booming with festive music as customers buy last-minute gifts and airports are buzzing with people excited to come home to see family and friends.
There’s Still Good People Out There
The past seven days have been filled with meetings, projects, traveling, speaking engagements—you name it. On Saturday, I had the honor of speaking at the inaugural MBA’s mPowering You Summit and then covering the MBA Annual Convention & Expo.
Happy Holidays from NAWRB!
The adorned trees in front windows, decorative neighborhood lights and bustling shopping malls all communicate the same message, the holidays are coming! The recently decreased traffic on the way to work suggests that many have already begun their holiday vacations and are travelling around the country to be with their loved ones during this wonderful time of year.