New Changes to SBA Mentor-Protégé Program

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The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) 8(a) Business Development (8(a) BD Mentor-Protégé Program is crafted to enable successful companies to provide “forms of business development assistance” to 8(a) Program Participants. The program’s goal is enhancing the capacity of participants to “be competitive, achieve entrepreneurial success and contribute to the U.S. economy.”

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Informing, Educating and Connecting Small Businesses


By SBA Staff

America’s 28 million small businesses create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year, and more than half of all Americans either own or work for a small business. Small businesses play a key role in the economy and in the nation’s supply chain, and increasingly, they are reliant on information technology to store, process and communicate their information. Protecting this information against increasing cyber threats is critical. Continue reading

Attend NAWRB’s Women in Housing Financial Fitness Road Show


The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) in collaboration with Veterans Preference Inc. presents the Women in Housing Financial Fitness Road Show and Military Women in Business on May 21 in San Diego, California. NAWRB’s road show will provide a specialized hybrid of women in housing and women in government outreach on how to grow their businesses both vertically and horizontally.

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SBA Twitter Chat for Women Entrepreneurs


The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) hosted a Twitter chat Wednesday afternoon to commemorate Women’s History Month while participants across the nation provided tips to women entrepreneurs interested in starting and growing a business.  The hashtag for the chat, #SBAchat, trended throughout the day.

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SBA Announces Matchmaking Events through American Supplier Initiative


The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has announced matchmaking events throughout 2015 which will expand the American Supplier Initiative. Created in 2012, the American Supplier Initiative supports American manufacturing by investing in the small businesses that comprise America’s suppliers.

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