Blockchain is an emerging technology that’s impacting the way industries conduct business, especially real estate. Not much is known about blockchain among the general public besides its association with bitcoin. While real estate professionals should pay attention to this new trend—as it will significantly change transactions and data-sharing—it will not make their careers obsolete. Agents have the invaluable ability to build relationships and empathy, which are pivotal to success in the industry. Blockchain is merely a helpful addition to their toolbox.

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NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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NAWRB Women's Global Resource Center
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Tag Archives: real estate agents
5 Business Tips To Help You Succeed
Everyone has different ways of doing business, which makes sense considering we’re all unique individuals. But there are some tips that seem to be universal when it comes to producing successful results. Check out the following tips to help your business grow.
7 Smart Ways Real Estate Agents Can Protect Themselves
Many lines of work are less than safe; real estate can be considered one of them. Agents work by themselves, are constantly meeting strangers and travel alone. So, what are some ways they can protect themselves?