I remember those rainy California days in my 500 square foot apartment in Huntington Beach, where the small box heater in the wall was stuck pointed towards the door — the feeling of being trapped there with a random human-sized carpet stain in the living room that kept reappearing no matter how many times I cleaned it. My walls vibrated with the screams of my neighbor yelling at their kid. I was in a nice part of town but in a cheap apartment, because, let’s face it, California is expensive. Rainy days weren’t the best.

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Tag Archives: quarantine
Staying at Home while Keeping Your Sanity!
Things are changing. We are officially experiencing something that hasn’t happened before, and I don’t mean the coronavirus because— let’s face it— there was the Black Death that ran through China and across Europe in the 14th century. There will always be sickness and unpredictability, but this is the first time in the modern world that we are acting as a group to deal with its uncertainty. Which, more or less, has meant staying inside, with limited travel and stocking up like a true “prepper.”