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Quality of Life During COVID-19?
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Tag Archives: qualityoflife
Know the Rules of the GameⓇ Podcast for Turn the Dial
Tune in on Wednesday at 8 AM for Know the Rules of the GameⓇ Podcast for Turn the Dial with your host Desiree Patno, CEO & President of Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB), and special guests Laura Dietz, CEO of Summit Realty Group; Gay-Lynn Barnes, CEO of Barnes Real Estate Group; and Sandy Miller, CEO of Sandy Miller & Associates Inc Real Estate Brokerage and Consulting Group. Learn how you Turn the Dial in an industry while preserving the Quality of Life and your business opportunities. The tip of the day is to enter each day with purpose and a plan. Listen here:
Just Released: “Quality of Life” Special Edition of NAWRB Magazine, Vol. 9, Issue 1
In an instant, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the way we live, work, interact with people and do business. Millions of people have lost their jobs, while “essential workers” continue to do their jobs which sustain the quality of life at the risk of their own health and well being. Our interactions with others happen through video calls and wearing a face mask while going to the store is becoming the new norm.
As we tackle new challenges everyday due to an ongoing global health pandemic and several state-ordered social distancing and stay-at-home orders, Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) presents a special edition of NAWRB Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 1, “Quality of Life,” which provides a review of how this pandemic has affected different industries that each impact the Quality of Life and anything that touches land: the real estate ecosystem.
NAWRB Magazine Special Edition, “Essential Women Preserving the Quality of Life” – Deadline April 5th, 2020
As we tackle new challenges and continue to be tested everyday on so many fronts, NAWRB takes this opportunity to announce the special edition of NAWRB’s Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 1, newly titled “Essential Women Preserving the Quality of Life.” We are so proud to present our first ever collage of dynamic “essential women” as our sheCenter(FOLD).
During this time of stress and uncertainty, how are you using your innate capabilities and personal influence to make a positive impact? Often we are helping people we don’t even know as they see, hear or read about the act of kindness. We are accepting submissions for “essential women” by April 5th, 2020. Email your submission to of up to 300 words, accompanied by pictures, name and position. (Space is limited).
How to Carry On During the Coronavirus – Story by NAWRB Graphic Designer Kendall Roderick
I remember those rainy California days in my 500 square foot apartment in Huntington Beach, where the small box heater in the wall was stuck pointed towards the door — the feeling of being trapped there with a random human-sized carpet stain in the living room that kept reappearing no matter how many times I cleaned it. My walls vibrated with the screams of my neighbor yelling at their kid. I was in a nice part of town but in a cheap apartment, because, let’s face it, California is expensive. Rainy days weren’t the best.
Staying at Home while Keeping Your Sanity!
Things are changing. We are officially experiencing something that hasn’t happened before, and I don’t mean the coronavirus because— let’s face it— there was the Black Death that ran through China and across Europe in the 14th century. There will always be sickness and unpredictability, but this is the first time in the modern world that we are acting as a group to deal with its uncertainty. Which, more or less, has meant staying inside, with limited travel and stocking up like a true “prepper.”
Hawaii Named the ‘Happiest State in America’
WalletHub just released their list of 2019’s Happiest States in America, and the Aloha State comes out at the top as the happiest state. The company analyzed all fifty states using research to determine which environmental factors are linked to a person’s well-being and satisfaction in life. Happiness is influenced by a variety of internal and external factors but where we choose to live can have a significant influence on our quality of life.
Vienna Holds 10-Year Ranking for Best Quality of Living
For the 10th year in a row, Vienna, Austria has ranked as the top city for providing its citizens with the best quality of life, according to Mercer’s 2019 Quality of Living Ranking. Zurich, Switzerland, was the runner up for best quality of life, while most of Western Europe dominated the ranking. Luxembourg was also named the safest city in the world.