Intel Achieves Pay Parity for Women and Minorities
Tech giant Intel recently released its Diversity & Inclusion Annual Report 2016, detailing the state of women and minorities within the company. While the report makes clear that the overall increase of underrepresented minorities in Intel’s U.S. workforce was small, reaching 12.5 percent in 2016, up from 12.3 percent in 2014, the company achieved 100 percent pay parity and promotion parity for both women and underrepresented minorities.
From meeting its retention goal to the incredible achievement of pay parity for women and underrepresented minorities, Intel is moving forward. Evidenced by the small rise of underrepresented minorities in their U.S. workforce, there is room for improvement and work left to be done. The important thing to recognize is strides are being made, and any forward movement is better than standing still or regressing.

Just Released: NAWRB Magazine sheCENTER(FOLD) Marcia Davies, COO of MBA
A New Jersey farm girl at heart, Marcia Davies chronicles her amazing story, from walking away at the height of her career to her proudest accomplishment in rebranding MBA. She provides a look at the life of a C-suite woman, and demonstrates that life sometimes has plans you didn’t even have yourself.

NAWRB Roaring Thirty Award Nominations Now Open!
The NAWRB Roaring Thirty Awards honor the women leaders in the housing ecosystem making a difference with a seat at the table for women. These are trailblazers succeeding through unprecedented obstacles and demonstrating women’s power as influencers in business.

Happy Women’s History Month!
The month of March is Women’s History Month, dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the central role of women in American history. Women’s History Month began as Women’s History Week in 1981 and was observed as such until 1986. Beginning in 1987, resulting from petitions from the National Women’s History Project, Congress extended the week to a month. Every year, Congress passes a resolution for Women’s History Month, and the president issues a proclamation.

What’s the Real Reason Women Get Paid Less than Men?
Despite the amazing progress of the past century, women continue to struggle with a lack of pay parity. Currently, women working full-time earn just 80 cents for every dollar a man earns-that’s $10,470 less annually-and the elimination of the gender pay gap has largely stalled over the past 15 years. A recent Wells Fargo report delves in to the real reasons women are still paid less than men.

NAWRB sheCalls
NAWRB sheCalls provide industry updates, training and access to important resources for women in housing. Call in to find out what you’ve been missing!
March 16: Women: How to Get Involved
Call-in to find out how to get involved as a woman in the housing ecosystem, from taking advantage of your resources to participating in the many women’s groups changing the game today!
Sharon Asar, Deputy Ombudsman, CFPB Ombudsman’s Office
Discover resources offered by the CFPB Ombudsman’s Office for women-owned and small businesses from Sharon Asar, Deputy Ombudsman, CFPB Ombudsman’s Office!

Upcoming Events
If an event involves women’s equality and supporting the women’s movement, NAWRB strives to be there. Join us to take part in making a better tomorrow!
March 1-4: Mid-Winter Housing Finance Conference
The MBA Mid-Winter Housing Finance Conference provides an opportunity for peer-to-peer interaction in small, core groups with knowledge from mortgage banking experts.
Join established and emerging online lending companies and investors at the Javits Convention Center in New York for two action-packed days of learning, networking and deal-making.
March 8: A Celebration of Women Business Owners: History, Participation and Progress
Please join the National Women’s Business Council in celebrating the milestones of women in business at our next online Public Meeting on Wednesday, March 8.
March 14-15: Bank & Financial Institutions Special Assets Forum
As it has done over the years, IMN’s forum will cover the latest on credit, loan review and workouts for a range of assets that includes Real Estate, Agricultural Loans, C&I, and Equipment Lending.
March 15: Million Women Mentors Senate Day and Leadership Council Meeting
Join Million Women Mentors, sponsors and over 125 representatives of industry, education and non-profit organizations to celebrate, promote and strategize how to further advance more women and girls in STEM careers through mentoring.
March 16: ChallengeHER Las Vegas
ChallengeHER works specifically with the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) federal contracting program as a tool to help leverage federal awards, learn the federal procurement process, and to connect with the right people. Event is FREE; seating is limited.
March 21-23: WBENC 2017 Summit & Salute
The Summit is a two-day program focused on the future of various industries, business networking, and development opportunities. The Salute highlights WBENC’s 2016 America’s Top Corporations for Women Business Enterprises.
March 26-29: National Technology In Mortgage Banking Conference & Expo
This MBA conference addresses emerging technologies, the impact of new regulations, vendor solutions, and allows attendees to connect with vendors, industry experts and peers.
April 2-4: 15th Annual Enterprising Women of the Year Awards Celebration & Conference
Join Desiree Patno, NAWRB’s CEO and president as she speaks on “The Impact of Real Estate Decisions on Your Bottom Line” from 3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
This year, NAWRB will host monthly trips to see the LA Sparks! We will provide tickets, transport and food for up to eight people, at minimal cost. Organizations passionate about the women’s movement and helping their community are invited to join us in supporting female athletes and gender equality when the season tips off this May. To schedule an LA Sparks trip with NAWRB, call us at 949-559-9800 or email