Richard Cordray, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), today announced his resignation from the agency. Cordray, who has been the head of the CFPB since January 2012, will step down at the end of this month.

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NAWRB: An SBA Resource
NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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Tag Archives: government
NWBC Entrepreneurial Ecosystems & Their Service of Women Entrepreneurs
Women entrepreneurs are on the rise, and they are leaving their footprint on the nation’s economy. In 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau reported an estimated 9.9 million women-owned firms, 35.8 percent of all U.S. firms classifiable by gender, and the total estimated receipts from those firms was $1.4 trillion.
Nevertheless, women-owned businesses are still an underrepresented segment in the economy and require support for their continued growth. The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC) is providing insight on how federal and regional stakeholders can help.
In April of this year, the NWBC released Entrepreneurial Ecosystems & Their Service of Women Entrepreneurs, a research report conducted with Washington CORE, which analyzes local entrepreneurial systems to identify influential actors and mechanisms that aid, or present a barrier to, the support and growth of women-owned businesses.
The report utilizes the “entrepreneurship ecosystem” model, which Washington CORE defines as “a set of interconnected entrepreneurial actors, entrepreneurial organizations, institutions and entrepreneurial processes which formally and informally coalesce to connect, mediate and govern the performance within the local entrepreneurial environment.”
This approach, the report explains, “emphasizes the importance of the overall environment within which an
entrepreneur establishes and grows her business,” helping us understand the resources she can leverage, as well as gaps within the economy that may hinder her.
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House Votes to Eliminate Dodd-Frank
Today, the House of Representatives voted to pass the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017; among its objectives, the act aims to restructure the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) into a consumer law enforcement agency and replace the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
President Trump Taps Jovita Carranza for U.S. Treasurer
President Trump has announced his intent to appoint Jovita Carranza Treasurer of the United States. Carranza is the Founder of JCR Group and previously served as the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Deputy Administrator under President George W. Bush, upon receiving unanimous confirmation. Carranza earned her MBA from the University of Miami.
NAWRB Digs Our Heels into the Ground in Washington, D.C.
With National Small Business Week just five days away, what better time for NAWRB to attend decisive Washington, D.C. meetings and events? As a leading voice for women and women-owned and small businesses in the housing ecosystem, we recognize the importance of being on the edge of new developments and maintaining our pivotal relationships in the nation’s capital.
NAWRB Opens Washington, D.C. Office
Washington, D.C. – January 17, 2017 –The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) announced today the opening of their Washington, D.C. Office headed by Silvia N. Rathell, Washington D.C. Satellite Office Government Relations Chairwoman assisting the organization’s growth in government advocacy on behalf of women’s gender equality and women-owned businesses in the housing ecosystem.
Working Together for a Better Tomorrow
Yesterday was a historic day in United States history. November 8, 2016 was always going to mean change for the U.S., regardless of who we elected. Whether pleased or disappointed with the results of the 2016 presidential election, we must move forward as a people for our sake and our country’s.
SBA Makes Certification Easier with Online Tools
Earlier this week, ChallengeHER—which assists women in federal contracting—announced that the SBA’s new Certification Website is open and functional for WOSB Procurement Program Participants. This new site allows users to certify their business, fill out WOSB and EDWOSB applications, submit questions/feedback online and more. The SBA also released a webinar that walks you through the process of using the site.
A Win for Women-Owned Small Businesses
The Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program allows Federal contracting officers to limit competition for Federal contracts to qualified Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs) or Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Businesses (EDWOSBs), in select industries. Continue reading →
Happy Women’s Equality Day!
Here at NAWRB, we would like to wish our members and community a happy Women’s Equality Day. This is a day that celebrates the 95th anniversary of American women winning the right to vote in the United States. Continue reading →