NAWRB is the Women’s and Small Business Validator: Collaboration, Influence, Access and Opportunities (#CIAO). To find out how you can get involved, contact NAWRB at (949) 559-9800 and or visit

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Desiree Patno
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NAWRB: An SBA Resource
NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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NAWRB Aging Population
Help Protect Elders
from Financial Abuse
Over $36.5 billion a year is lost annually in the U.S.
Prevent Financial Abuse

Women's Homeownership:
Dream. Stability. Sanctuary.
Life often presents us
with unplanned disruptions.

AI Technology
a Human Touch
The Perfect Balance

NAWRB Women's Global Resource Center
A women’s depository for vendors & clients to grow their diverse spend & increase women’s employment at all levels within the housing ecosystem.

Tag Archives: gender equality
Women’s Equality Day 2017
NAWRB would like to wish our Members and Community a happy Women’s Equality Day this Saturday, a day dedicated to commemorating the anniversary of women winning the right to vote. The 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote after 72 years of activism by suffrage leaders, was passed by Congress in 1919 and ratified by the states in 1920.
NAWRB Adds New Membership Committee Board Member
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) has announced the addition of Shauna Weatherspoon, President & CEO, Weatherspoon & Associates, to their Membership Committee Board. The Membership Committee is responsible for growing NAWRB Membership on a local and national scale, providing women in the housing ecosystem with resources for business success.
NAWRB and LA Sparks: Lead with Light Mentorship
The LA Sparks’ Lead with Light Mentorship and Shadow Experience is a program connecting #WeAreGirls official youth ambassadors with strong female executives dedicated to bettering the Los Angeles community.
NAWRB Adds Three New Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council Members
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is proud to announce additional Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC) Members Linda Erkkila, General Counsel and Executive Vice President of Human Resources, Safeguard; Stacey M. Walker, Director, Housing Outreach, Affordable Lending, Access to Credit Single Family Business, Freddie Mac; and Ali Haralson, Executive Vice President, Client Management,
NAWRB is Expanding with Sales & Marketing Team!
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is expanding their Sales, Marketing & Development Teams. Less than a month after our 4th Annual NAWRB Nexus Conference, Women’s Collaboration for the Future, our growth is exponential.
Google Engineer’s Manifesto Reveals Importance of Diversity & Inclusion – Foreclosure Rate Decreasing in the U.S. – The Future of Small Businesses
Why Do Women Entrepreneurs Get Denied Loans?
Recently, the American Bankers Association (ABA) met with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to discuss Dodd-Frank Act Section 1071, which requires financial institutions to report women-owned, minority-owned and small business lending data.
Announcing Two New NAWRB Certified Delegate Spokeswomen!
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is proud to announce Esther Ayuk, MPH, R.Ph, Managing Broker, Bess Realty Professionals and Maria Zendejas, CEO/Realtor, Realty World Golden Era as new Certified Delegate Spokeswomen!
NAWRB Signs MOU with Million Women Mentors at the 2017 4th Annual NAWRB Nexus Conference
July 18, 2017 – NAWRB is proud to announce that we have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Million Women Mentors (MWM). The signing took place in Costa Mesa, CA during the Power Lunch: Women’s Trade Associations, Collaboration for the Futureat the 2017 4th Annual NAWRB Nexus Conference.
“Our MOU partners are valuable contributors to and supporters of NAWRB’s mission,” stated Desirée Patno, NAWRB CEO and President. “By increasing collaboration on an inter-industry scale in the housing ecosystem, we are expanding our network, bringing more awareness and strengthening the diversity and inclusion movement. Together we can take decisive action, share best practices and resources, and create true change for the women’s economic growth.”
“I think professional development is a key feature for how we see we can empower and reach more women to be successful in their careers,” stated Lorena S. Fimbres, VP, Chief Business Development Officer, Stem Connector and Million Women Mentors (MWM). “Million Women Mentors believes in the importance of role models and through organizations like NAWRB, we can truly expand our circle of influence which means we expand the number of women that we can reach and support in being very successful. Not only those that are NAWRB Members, but all of the organizations that are somehow related to your members. Again, if you think about the depth and breadth of what we can do by partnering, the success of Million Women Mentors has really been in connecting key organizations that represent successful women and that ultimately collaborate to build synergistic responsibilities.”
Million Women Mentors® is close to 2 million pledges to mentor and active as a movement to drive economic change. NAWRB is using a megaphone to advance gender equality and economic growth.
NAWRB is the Women’s and Small Business Validator: Access, Opportunities, Influence and Collaborate. Become Involved in NAWRB to help cement women’s economic growth today! Entities and individuals interested in partnering with NAWRB can contact the organization at or visit
The National Association of Women in Real Estate Businesses (NAWRB) is a leading voice for women in the housing ecosystem. With the assistance of our Women’s Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council (NDILC), NAWRB is advocating for women’s gender equality, raising the utilization of women-owned businesses and providing women the tools and opportunities for economic expansion and growth. By increasing women’s homeownership, we can leverage the entrepreneurial strength of women and help bring the awareness of women’s poverty.
About MWM
Millions moving to mentor and sponsor! To support the engagement of two million Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) mentors (male and female) to increase the interest and confidence of girls and young women to persist and succeed in STEM programs and careers by 2020. Million Women Mentors® is the movement that aims to change the face of women and girls, their career choices and advancement. We have 44 states with pledges and committees; 60 corporations and 60 partners are engaged nationally; and the global pledges are increasing. These important partnerships represent more than 30 million girls and women and the media partners as well. It is about scaling up and insuring that women and girls are encouraging and supported in their STEM careers.