The National Women’s Business Council (NWBC)—a non-partisan federal advisory council that advises the President, Congress and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues regarding women business owners—will host a panel discussion addressing the gender gap in venture capital on September 11, 2015 at 2PM EST. Continue reading

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NAWRB: An SBA Resource
NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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NAWRB Aging Population
Help Protect Elders
from Financial Abuse
Over $36.5 billion a year is lost annually in the U.S.
Prevent Financial Abuse

Women's Homeownership:
Dream. Stability. Sanctuary.
Life often presents us
with unplanned disruptions.

AI Technology
a Human Touch
The Perfect Balance

NAWRB Women's Global Resource Center
A women’s depository for vendors & clients to grow their diverse spend & increase women’s employment at all levels within the housing ecosystem.

Tag Archives: financial
CFPB Officials Say Agency Fails to Protect its Employees
Multiple Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) employees are scheduled to testify before the House Financial Services Committee this morning on the matter of discrimination and retaliation against CFPB employees. Continue reading →
The New $10 Bill Will Feature a Woman
Last Wednesday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced that a woman will be featured on the redesigned $10 bill. Continue reading →
FDIC Encourages Different Approach for Assessing Customers
Today, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) released a Financial Institution Letter that applies to all FDIC-supervised institutions regarding the assessment approach used for evaluating customers. The letter encourages a risk-based approach in assessing the services that can be provided to customers, as opposed to denying banking services to entire categories of customers.
Are you following the NAWRB Financial Fitness Road Show?
NAWRB partnered with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Santa Ana District Office to present the Women in Housing Financial Fitness Road Show in July at the Lutron Experience Center in Irvine, CA.
NAWRB’s Inaugural Women in Housing Financial Fitness Road Show is a first-of-its-kind, breakthrough program for women in all industries within the housing economy. More than just tools to navigate women’s existing business through the changing terrain, the Women in Housing Financial Fitness Road Show reached an entire new level. Utilizing a specialized hybrid of women in housing and women in government outreach, women can take advantage of NAWRB’s Fast Track niche. By connecting women with federal and local programs, set-asides, funding options and contracting opportunities available to grow their businesses both vertically and horizontally, women in housing will have the awareness to sustainable growth and live beyond commission-to-commission.
Morgan Stanley hosted the Road Show and provided its wealth of knowledge to attendees. Vivian Afriyie, a Morgan Stanley Wealth Advisor, opened the event in dramatic fashion showcasing assets explaining the often missed difference between asset-based loans, traditional income, and credit-based loans. Morgan Stanley has crucial experience, having just closed a 150 million dollar commercial real estate loan in 6 weeks. “Bringing the shock treatment with our takeaways from $25,000 SBA business loans to the $200 million dollar Morgan Stanley Diversified Securities for clients, really ignited the awareness in the room,” stated Desirée Patno, CEO and Founder of NAWRB.
The excitement for the event is rapidly growing as respected agents, suppliers, and other professionals in the housing industry look forward to learning the opportunities and resources available to them on behalf of multiple federal agencies and organizations.
The Women in Housing Financial Fitness Road Show is the first in a series of nationwide road shows that will travel to major cities. Do you want to attend this dynamic Road Show or have it travel to a city near you? Contact for more information on being a part of the movement to bring awareness, opportunities and access to women in housing.