4 Troublesome Myths Regarding Female Entrepreneurship


Women are capable of becoming excellent entrepreneurs. However, there are some fallacies that deter women from fulfilling their passion of owning their own businesses. Take a look at the following four myths to avoid when you’re deciding whether or not to start your own business.

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InnovateHER: Weaving New Stories for Women’s Lives


The topic of this year’s Women’s History Month is Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives. As we look back at the changes throughout history, women’s presence in our economy has shifted significantly. Now we have more women in the workforce than ever before, a number that is close to surpassing that of men. Gender equality is not simply about getting a woman a spot at the metaphorical table. Women have made great strides in education, the workforce, and their role in the economy, BUT there still are not enough women in leadership positions.

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