The 3rd Annual NAWRB Women’s Diversity and Inclusion Conference not only brings you expert speakers and leaders in the housing ecosystem, it gives attendees the chance to personally meet and discuss business opportunities with these trailblazers and entities.
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NAWRB: An SBA Resource
NAWRB is listed as a women-owned business resource for the SBA.
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A women’s depository for vendors & clients to grow their diverse spend & increase women’s employment at all levels within the housing ecosystem.

Tag Archives: female entrepreneurs
Accountability for Women’s Diversity and Inclusion
With the Dodd-Frank’s establishment of the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) for regulated entities in 2010, the movement for equality in the workplace received a significant hoist. The issue then became accountability; how can we ensure the true inclusion of women and minorities?
The Historic White House United State of Women Summit
The White House United State of Women Summit was an incredible high and energizer for all the work we have been doing here at NAWRB and for me personally! Jordan Brooks from the White House Council on Women’s and Girls did an incredible job in such a short time, pulling together over 100 speakers and 5000 women in one venue for women’s equality centered on six pillar topics. To see women come from several different industries with the same vision and desires was such an incredibly exhilarating feeling. Personally, I know there are several of us still riding the high several days and even weeks after the summit.
Top 5 Characteristics of Highly Successful Women
In today’s world, success can be defined by the number of years you have been married, the position you hold in your company, the size of your bank account or the house that you own. While each woman may define success differently, there is no denying that successful women over the world have similar characteristics that indeed set them apart from the rest.
Having worked with a number of incredibly talented, well-educated, highly successful women over the years, we have come to notice that there are specific characteristics that highly successful women all have in common. These are the characteristics that women have incorporated into their every-day lives because being ordinary simply wasn’t good enough. In doing so, they have earned high-level positions at some of the world’s biggest companies and have empowered other women to do the same.
1) They are passionate about their lives, both personally and professionally.
There is a saying that states, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Nearly 14% of C-Suite jobs are held by women, and you can bet those women love what they do. When someone has passion for the work they do in their industry, it drives them to want to do more, to be more, and to give more to those around them. This passion is infectious; it’s magnetic. They become the women that everyone wants to be around. Their passion empowers others to give their all to the company which in turn leads to growth and overall well-being throughout their environment.
2) They manage their expectations realistically.
In a study by the Harvard Business Review, researchers concluded that generally speaking, men felt confident applying for a job where they met only 60% of the qualifications whereas women only felt confident applying if they met 100% of the qualifications. Further research suggests that over time, the most successful women have realized that striving for absolute perfection is an epic waste of time and energy and only leads to disappointment and unhappiness.
Barnard president Debora Spar states it best in her op-ed piece for Glamour magazine, “We each, if we’re lucky, will have our chance to leave a mark on the world, but we are trying too hard to be perfect. So don’t emulate Wonder Woman; think about what’s wonderful to you instead. Then boldly, audaciously, joyfully, leave the rest behind.”
3) They do not hesitate to take risks.
Some of the world’s greatest achievements were obtained simply because someone somewhere took a calculated risk; they stepped out of the confines of traditional thinking and paved the way towards progress. Successful women don’t merely follow the paths of others, they break out and form new paths of their own. As Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, states, “If you push through that feeling of being scared; that feeling of taking risk, really amazing things can happen.” The same can be said for author J.K. Rowling who never in a million years believed that anyone would appreciate her incredible storytelling until her Harry Potter series became a smashing success.
4) They realize that sometimes failure is part of the process.
Everyone experiences failure from time to time. The sign of a truly successful woman is in how she handles those failures. Empowered women realize that growth comes from failure if they are able to take a step back and analyze the process. They ask themselves,” What went wrong and how can I improve things in the future?” Having the ability to handle failure with grace and dignity while problem-solving and growing their company is definitely a characteristic of highly successful women. This could explain the fact that women are starting businesses at 1.5 times the rate of men. Failure is not an option; it’s a learning experience.
5) They understand the importance of nurturing authentic relationships with others.
This is exactly what NAWRB is all about; creating an environment where women can come together to encourage, educate, and empower one another. It is of the utmost importance to have a tribe of women that can be relied upon and trusted in order to build one’s businesses on a solid foundation. When women ban together, network and pool their resources, and encourage one another in the process, they bring to the table something that is more valuable than gold. Highly successful women want to see other women succeed as well and are more than happy to contribute to that success in any way possible.
These top 5 characteristics of highly successful women represent just a fraction of what it takes to make it in the world of women’s small business.
Why joining the NAWRB movement matters?
Since August of 2010, NAWRB has been championing women in business, to bring more diversity and inclusion to the real estate industry through awareness, opportunities, and access.
Through NAWRB we help women in real estate advance themselves toward meeting and exceeding their professional aspirations by educating, empowering, and connecting opportunities to their professional development and business success.
Join our elite group of women who strive to succeed personally and professionally with their businesses helping advance women forward regardless of the obstacles placed in front of them.
Interested in learning more?
We encourage you to explore our vast media and article library with an analysis of markets, legislation, and the latest industry trends. We provide interviews with the leaders in our industry and business and real estate moguls.
CEOs Face Pay Cuts If They Don’t Hire Women
The largest banks and insurers in the U.K., alongside top American banks and investment firms, have enrolled in a British government initiative designed to promote the appointment of women to leadership positions. In an effort to drive true accountability in the program, participating companies have additionally agreed to tie senior executive team bonuses to the hiring of women in executive roles.
Women Wednesday: Women Entrepreneurs of All Ages
With their growth and momentum, women entrepreneurs have the potential to secure parity—in all regards—in the American workplace. Starting businesses at 1.5 times the rate of men and having recently reached a historic achievement in women-owned small business federal contracting, women have the drive and stage; they need the opportunity.
The United State of Women Summit Kicks Off
The United State of Women Summit kicked off today in Washington, D.C. at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Vice President Joe Biden began by delivering a powerful address on violence against women to the 5,000 leaders in attendance.
United State of Women Summit: Making Historic Change for Women
The United State of Women Summit, a groundbreaking event for women and supporters of the women’s movement hosted by first lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey, is taking place on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. The Summit will unite 5,000 leaders to discuss recent achievements in gender parity and recognize the inequalities that continue burdening women today.
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Throwback Thursday: NAWRB Emphasizes Reform Established by Dodd-Frank Bill Section 342
It’s been almost six years since NAWRB first began supporting and advocating Section 342 of the Dodd-Frank Act and the Office(s) of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI). More than half a decade later, NAWRB alongside the women’s movement for equal representation and opportunities find ourselves having achieved significant progress, making serious improvements in increasing awareness and advocating for stronger legislation for women in business. However, from the pervasive wage gap to retirement disparity, women continue facing various obstacles and there is much work left to do. NAWRB will continue working diligently to achieve equality in the workplace. Until then, please read our Throwback Thursday press release from 2010 below to see how it all began.
Strengthening the Women’s Culture
What a profound statement! It is with the same fervor as Madeleine Albright that NAWRB supports other women. Like the first female U.S. Secretary of State, we believe that other women, organizations, companies in the public and private sectors and the government must follow suit. As the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) movement continues working for equal access to resources, equal representation, equal pay—the list goes on—it is crucial to create unwavering unity among women to advance women’s culture. If this culture is not strengthened, with the many problems burdening women, women will remain too scattered to be truly heard in unison and inspire more commitment from the rest of the country. As we continue working to get this right, there must be adjustments within women’s culture and leadership mindsets to achieve greater growth.