In addition to it being Women’s Equality Day, today is also National Dog Day in the United States—a day set aside to celebrate pups around the country and raise awareness of the number of dogs that need to be rescued every year. Celebrated annually, the observance was founded in 2004 by Colleen Paige, the founder of several philanthropic days shining a light on animals’ struggles and the importance of adoption.

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Tag Archives: dogs
Helping Warrior Dogs Transition
I was asked to speak about the amazing Warrior Dog Foundation of which I am honored to serve on their Board of Directors at the recent Five Star Conference. We live free because of the sacrifices of those with two feet and the ones with paws.
The Warrior Dog Foundation is dedicated to serving the special operations K-9 community. The K-9’s deployed with these special forces are of the top tier in the working dog world. They are expected to perform in the most austere of environments and face conditions that most humans cannot survive.
The Warrior Dog Foundation was founded by former Navy SEAL Mike Ritland. We believe Special Operation Forces (SOF) and law enforcement K9s deserve the highest level of care in retirement. We bridge the gap between service and retirement for these K9s. Once these retired warriors have completed their service and, for whatever reason, are unable to continue on with their handler, the Warrior Dog Foundation helps transition these K9 heroes from an operational environment into our state-of-the-art kennel facility. We then ensure the care of each individual K9 with dignity and grace, including both mental and physical rehabilitation for the rest of their lives with the goal to rehome, if possible.
The K9 warriors at the Warrior Dog Foundation are the top tier in the working-dog world. They perform in the most austere of environments and face conditions that most human beings cannot imagine. These K9’s are vital to the success of every mission. We strive to educate the public on the importance of K9s in combat and law enforcement, and showcase the level of sacrifice these dogs give in support of our troops and communities.To quote our founder, Mike Ritland, “These dogs are not only our best friends, they embody what’s best about us—the courage, loyalty, and heart of true warriors.”
To learn more about the Warrior Dog Foundation and our retired K9 heroes individual stories, please, visit our website at or email any questions to
Laura Dietz
Summit Realty/ Merlin Enterprises, Inc.
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month!
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the American Humane Association (AHA) observe October as National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month and Adopt-a-Dog Month®, respectively. The goal of these observations is findings dogs their “forever homes” and encouraging the public to adopt and not shop for their next canine companion.
Newsletter: Women’s Equality Day 2017 – Happy National Dog Day – Self-Driving Cars
NAWRB is the Women’s and Small Business Validator: Collaboration, Influence, Access and Opportunities (#CIAO). To find out how you can get involved, contact NAWRB at (949) 559-9800 and or visit
Happy National Dog Day!
August 26, 2017 is National Dog Day in the U.S., a day set aside to celebrate pups around the country and raise awareness of the number of dogs that need to be rescued every year. Celebrated annually, the observance was founded in 2004 by Colleen Paige, the founder of several philanthropic days shining a light on animals’ struggles and the importance of adoption.
From Puppies to Houses, Flexibility Breeds Happiness
When we prepare to make a new purchase we know exactly what we want, down to the smallest detail. Some products are easier to select than others; you decide what you want, check availability, and buy the product from the store that has it in stock.