The CARES Act grants the SBA to give out a total of $349 billion for guaranteed loans! The U.S. Small Business Administration has updated their application for Economic Injury Disaster Loans. Interested businesses as well as previous applicants are being asked to apply or reapply at the link: Check the $10,000 box to access the emergency grant. For businesses who applied prior to Monday, March 30th, you will need to reapply with the SBA (even if you were rejected or pending approval). To apply for a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan, go to For more info, visit
SBA – $349 Billion for Guaranteed Loans

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SBA – $349 Billion for Guaranteed Loans
As the CEO & President of Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) and Desirée Patno Enterprises, Inc. (DPE) Real Estate Brokerage, Advisor & Investor for AmicusBrain—AI for Aging Population, CSO for ZuluTime, Publisher, Connector and a National Speaker, Desirée Patno’s network and wealth of knowledge crosses a vast economic footprint. With three decades specializing in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem and owning her own successful brokerage, she leads her executive team’s expertise of Social Impact, Gender Equality and Access to Capital, and provides personalized consulting services to the Real Estate and Family Office community.