Census Bureau Calendar: Surveys in Your Community



The U.S. Census Bureau recently posted release dates for each “regular and recurring statistical product” scheduled to be released in 2017. The products—ranging from events, to publications and outreach programs—can be found in the Census Bureau’s online product calendar, which is updated throughout the year.

Out of more than 130 surveys scheduled for 2017, you can find out the ones being conducted in your community by clicking here.

The Bureau’s release also included Profile America Facts for Features with release dates for upcoming profiles. These reports consist of “collections of statistics from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas pertaining to holidays, anniversaries, observances or topics in the news.” Two recently released profiles are National African-American History Month and Valentine’s Day 2017.

The products provided by the U.S. Census Bureau are invaluable resources helping Americans better understand our country, from the people and businesses to entire industries. This information is essential to recognizing what is working well and determining which areas of the U.S. require attention and assistance.

To learn more about the Census Bureau’s release and upcoming surveys, please, click here.


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