SBA Releases New Research Findings on Diversity Trends in Small Business Investing


In October 2016, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) issued a report, Measuring the Representation of Women and Minorities in the SBIC Program, revealing diversity-related trends in small business investing. In order to address the diversity of SBICs and portfolio company program participants, the SBA approached the Library of Congress’s Federal Research Division with the following inquiries:

  1. How diverse are SBICs in terms of having women and/or ethnic or racial minorities in leadership positions?

     2. Are racially diverse SBICs more likely to invest in small businesses led or owned by women and/or ethnic or racial minorities?

     3. Are gender-diverse SBICs more likely to invest in small businesses led or owned by women and/or ethnic or racial minorities?

     4. How do SBICs led by women and/or ethnic or racial minorities compare in terms of investment performance to non-diverse SBICs?

     5. Are diverse SBICs more likely to invest in low and moderate income (LMI) communities?

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FHFA Performance & Accountability


The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) established the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to supervise and regulate the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) and the Federal Home Loan (FHL) Bank System. The FHFA is an independent government agency that employs examiners, analysts, attorneys and industry experts. Congress provided the Director of the FHFA the authority to appoint the FHFA as the conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and this authority was utilized in 2008.

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Department of Labor Research and Evaluation Plan for 2016 Request for Information


Dear Sharon I. Block,

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Research and Evaluation Plan for 2016 Request for Information (RFI).

Of the Statistical Analysis of Trends and Surveys, I believe Gender Patterns and Pay in Occupations and Industries along with Caregiving and Women’s Retirement Security are of great importance to the evaluation plan and its practitioners. 

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that women’s median income is 79 percent of men’s median income. This is blatant inequality that needs to be addressed and rectified in order to encourage and secure the progress of women in the workforce and in our country. If women earn less than men, have less means and access to resources, how can they be expected to equally traverse the same professional and personal arenas?

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Personal Interview: Kelle Nolan

1. What do you enjoy doing when you’re out of the office and work isn’t on your mind?

What I most enjoy doing is spending time with my husband and our two dogs. We enjoy being outdoors and going for walks. I enjoy crafting, scrapbooking, and anything that has to do with being creative. These are the top things that I try to concentrate on when I’m trying to relax. I also like to read.

In my crafting I concentrate on rubber-stamping and scrapbooking, paper crafting is how a lot of people refer to it. When I do read it’s usually about self-improvement or motivation. The book I’m currently reading is Be Obsessed Or Be Average by Grant Cardone.

2. What is something most people don’t know about you that they would be surprised to find out?

I think people would be surprised to find out that I enjoy watching golf tournaments on TV. Most people find them very boring, but I actually like watching them.

3. Who is a role model of yours? Why do you look up to this person?

Professionally I would have to say Jackie de Maria, a former employer of mine. She is definitely a professional role model, she demonstrated to me that a woman in a very high position within an organization that is male-dominated can have it all. Jackie balanced her professional career, home life, children, and was a strong, effective leader. She’s someone I look up to and had as a mentor early on in my career.
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Attention All The Single Ladies: 5 Ways To Help You Become a Homeowner


Despite the pay gap, women are increasingly becoming financial powerhouses. Case in point: they now control 51 percent of American wealth, totaling some $14 trillion in assets. One of the ways they’re using those assets to their advantage? Home buying.

According to the latest data from Ellie Mae, women are the primary borrowers on 32 percent of all closed mortgage loans. When women take the lead on a home loan, they’re single 61 percent of the time. Buying a home is tough enough with a spouse or a significant other, but it can be even more challenging when flying solo. To better help your clients who are first-time homebuyers, here are some of the most important things you need to keep in mind.

1. Affordability is about more than Purchase Price
One common pitfall many homebuyers often fall into is misjudging how much they can really afford to spend. For single women, that can be especially problematic because they rely on just one income, and it’s often lower than what men earn.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) puts the median weekly income for women who are working in full-time management or professional positions at $1,019. That adds up to $52,988 annually, or $4,416 a month. By comparison, men make a median annual salary of $73,060.

Assuming your client has an annual salary of $52,988, zero debt, and $40,000 for a down payment, they could theoretically afford a $245,900 home if they got a 30-year loan at a rate of 3.39 percent, according to’s home affordability calculator. Their payments would come to approximately $1,224, including the principal and interest, taxes, homeowners’ insurance and private mortgage insurance, leaving them with $3,192 a month to pay the rest of their bills, cover everyday expenses, and save.

That seems like plenty of money, but it can go relatively quickly if homeownership results in higher utility costs, or they’re spending more on transportation because they have a longer commute to work. They also have to factor in the added expense of things like maintenance and home repairs, which could put even more of a strain on their financial resources.

In that scenario, something like saving for retirement could easily get pushed to the backburner. Considering that women are more likely than men to retire poor, socking away money for retirement isn’t something your clients can afford to skip out on. Before your client makes a move on a home, make sure that it doesn’t come at the expense of their other financial goals.

2. Your Clients Down Payment Matters
Putting 20 percent down on a home is the generally accepted industry standard, but it is possible to buy a home with less cash out of pocket. An FHA loan, for instance, will allow your client to put down as little as 3.5 percent.That’s tempting for a single woman who’s trying to keep short-term costs as low as possible, but it comes at a price. Taking on an FHA loan or a conventional loan with a down payment of less than 20 percent means paying private mortgage insurance (PMI), which drives up the cost of home buying.

Let’s say your client has their eye on a $250,000 home, and they want to get a 30-year, fixed-rate loan at a rate of 3.39 percent. If they put 20 percent down, that eliminates the private mortgage insurance requirement and sets their payment at $1,139, which breaks down to $886 for the principal and interest, $63 for homeowners’ insurance and $190 for property taxes.

On the other hand, if they only put 10 percent down, that adds $117 a month for private mortgage insurance. The principal and interest part of their payment increases to $997, so they’re now looking at a payment of $1,367 a month, including the PMI, property taxes and homeowners insurance.

If your client is a single woman who’s pulling in a modest salary, a difference of more than $200 a month in the mortgage payment can have a significant impact on their bottom line. Saving up a larger down payment may mean delaying your client’s home purchase, but they will thank you if it allows them to shrink their monthly housing costs in the long term.
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Miami Real Estate: A Center for Global Investment


Construction cranes in Downtown Miami and throughout South Florida help tell the story of a fast-growing population center and global business hub. Miami’s skyline—a visual marvel with awe-inspiring, high-rise buildings overlooking the Atlantic—has changed more rapidly than any other American city. Global investment from an array of countries have helped fuel the development.

Foreign real estate buyers account for 36 percent or $6.1 billion of South Florida total sales volume, according to the 2015 Profile of International Home Buyers in Miami Association of REALTORS® (MIAMI) Business Areas. That is more than four times the eight percent national percentage of foreign buying activity. The annual survey, which was conducted by MIAMI and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), is just one indicator of how attractive South Florida has become to international buyers.

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International Investment in U.S. Real Estate


Global real estate has been and will continue to be a constantly shifting landscape; of that we can be sure. Current events continue to shape country economies, impacting capital flow and global markets. Five years ago, America’s economy was in the throes of a recession and foreign investment was the lifeblood of many local real estate markets. Now, the American dollar is stronger than most world currencies and is a more expensive destination to buy and own property. Yet, it remains one of the world’s most popular destinations to purchase real estate.

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Women Entrepreneurs


When I first began advocating for women entrepreneurs over 15 years ago, I was excited to take on the challenge. At that point the majority of meetings I went to on Capitol Hill consisted mostly of men, and no one was focusing on women business owners. For the first five years, I spent most of my time convincing the Congress that women business owners cared about economic issues that affected the growth of their business instead of the social issues “women” cared about. Not only was there a lack of understanding about women entrepreneurs, there was also a disparity between male-owned and women-owned businesses. The women’s business community’s favorite phrase was “we want a seat at the table.”

Looking back on the progress that women business owners have made over the last decade and a half, I am reminded that there was never one simple solution – no silver bullet to solve the inequities between male- and female-owned businesses and the disparities between large and small firms. Rather, we chipped away at access to markets and access to capital and urged elected officials and federal policymakers to consider women business owners in their deliberations. I am happy to report that today we have a seat at the table. 

Despite the odds, women-owned businesses have made huge strides and the wins for women entrepreneurs are accumulating. In particular, we received great news last year when the Census Bureau’s Survey of Business Owners (SBO) reported that there are now nearly 10 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. From 2007-2012, the gap between SBO releases, the number of women-owned businesses increased by over 27 percent. Since 2002, the number of women-owned firms has increased by over 50 percent from 6.5 million.


What is even more impressive is the economic force that women-owned businesses have become. They contribute to the nation’s economy by generating $1.4 trillion in revenue and employ nearly 9 million Americans. These statistics reinforce the now-accepted conclusion that the women’s business community is a pillar of the American economy.

Looking toward future advocacy efforts, the key issues of women business owners generally fall into three buckets: access to federal contracts, access to entrepreneurial resources and access to capital.

Procurement Parity Takes Two Giant Leaps

The Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Program has continued to grow and women-owned firms are reaping the benefits. First, the SBA announced that in FY2015—the first time since 1994—the federal government has achieved its 5 percent goal of contracting to WOSBs. Why 1994?  Because it is when the government established a 5 percent goal for contracting awards to women.  And what an effort it took; members of Congress, national women’s business organizations including NAWRB, a supportive White House and SBA and thousands of women across the country who cared enough to keep up the pressure.

In the same week that they confirmed the government had finally reached its 5 percent contracting goal, the SBA also announced a significant expansion of the WOSB program. When the last disparity study was completed in 2007, women-owned firms were considered underrepresented in 83 industries, thus making those industries eligible for participation in the WOSB Program. WIPP advocated for a new study to update eligible NAICS codes for the program. The study, completed by the Department of Commerce earlier this year, found that women-owned businesses are underrepresented in 113 industries and now these industries are immediately eligible for the program—opening the doors for more than a third of all industries.

The disparity study, The Utilization of Women-Owned Businesses in Federal Prime Contracting, highlighted two very alarming facts. First, women are 21 percent less likely to get a government contract when controlling for factors such as age and size of the business. Second, the industries in which WOSBs are less likely to win contracts account for about 85 percent of both total contracts and dollars awarded. When taken together these facts show that the need for the WOSB Program still exists. We have made tremendous progress but our work is not done.


I have written previously about sole source authority—the ability for the agencies to award contracts directly to women-owned businesses. That authority was finalized in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)—the contractor’s rulebook—in January 2016. Now WOSBs can compete on a level playing field with all other small business set-aside programs and evidence shows that women are aggressively using this new tool.

Part of improving access to federal markets for women entrepreneurs, is improving access for the small business community as a whole. Moving in unison allows all small businesses to benefit. As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats. That’s why I was particularly excited to see the House Small Business Committee’s first major piece of legislation for 2016 address many contracting issues.  The Defending America’s Small Contractors Act of 2016 (H.R. 4341) will prove to be significant to small contractors. Moreover, the bill was approved unanimously by the Committee and with over two-thirds of the Committee contributing content to the bill. 

Training and Counseling for Women Entrepreneurs

Women’s Business Centers, a network of over 100 non-profit organizations nationwide, are dedicated to assisting women entrepreneurs (or those that are interested in starting a business) and fill a much-needed role with respect to business generation and growth. Yet, for too many years, this program limped along with no increase in funding or change in program guidelines. Our question to Congress has been, “How can 100 women’s business centers serve 10 million women?” 

In response to that question, the Senate acted and we are hopeful that the House will as well.  For the first time in nearly a decade, Congress is on its way to reauthorizing the Women’s Business Center (WBC) Program. In the Senate, the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship unanimously approved the Women’s Small Business Ownership Act of 2015, which would do just that. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Chair David Vitter (R-LA) and Ranking Member Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) sponsored this landmark legislation and the bill was referred out of Committee on a bipartisan, unanimous vote—a rare occurrence in Congress. Representative Susan Delbene (D-WA) has introduced a companion bill in the House.

Under the bill, the WBC Program would be authorized at $21.75 million per year through FY2020, allowing more Centers and providing additional support to existing, successful Centers. SBA’s funding for WBCs are matched by private donations, doubling the impact of this increase. WBCs will be able to receive grants up to $250,000, a major increase from the previous maximum of $150,000.

Given that WBCs provide an invaluable resource for women entrepreneurs it is only reasonable that support is given to encourage job creation and job growth.  Last year, they served over 140,000 women entrepreneurs, which led to the creation of over 760 new businesses. 

Access to Capital

For as many strides as we made in access to federal markets and resources, access to capital lags far behind. A recent report by the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship highlighted many areas where women-owned businesses were underserved by private capital markets. The report pointed out that women-owned businesses receive only 4 percent of the total dollar value of small business loans and only 7 percent of all venture capital funds.

The report was illuminating and led to a renewed focus on reducing the gap between male and female led companies with respect to available capital. It was through this next new challenge for WIPP that we created WIPP’s Access to Capital platform titled “Breaking the Bank” and I am happy to report that we are already checking items off of our list. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) finalized rules for equity crowdfunding, which allows small businesses to obtain capital from investors without going through the expensive and complex securities registration process. Additionally, the House passed legislation to give small businesses a voice at the SEC. The SEC Small Business Advocate Act of 2015 (H.R. 3784) passed the House in February and requires the SEC to establish an Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation to assist small businesses in accessing capital. Simplifying the patent and trademark process is another priority that the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship highlighted in a recent hearing. Making patents and trademarks more accessible will increase investment and allow women entrepreneurs to capitalize on their intellectual property.

While none of these policy changes will solve the access to capital struggle that women entrepreneurs currently encounter, WIPP and others are taking the same approach that we did to access to federal markets—chipping away at the issues.

Our Voice During the 2016 Elections

WIPP has launched WE Decide 2016, a collaboration with Personal BlackBox (PBB). WE Decide 2016 is an interactive, online platform for women entrepreneurs to have their voices heard during the 2016 elections. With the support and collaborative efforts of several associations with quick polls and issue surveys, we will be able to ascertain women business owners’ views. WE Decide 2016 engages women business owners and women entrepreneurs to focus our message on results, sensible regulations and an investment in small businesses. The opinions shared through WE Decide 2016 will culminate in a policy platform, which will be shared with Presidential and Congressional candidates at both national conventions.

When reflecting on these recent legislative and regulatory achievements, I am grateful for the progress that women entrepreneurs have made in so many different areas. None of this would have happened without advocacy. Advocacy is not a once-in-a-while exercise. Change does not happen with an annual visit to an elected official or a retweet by one person or one organization . It needs a constant drumbeat and direct focus by many. As we unite to tackle tough issues, I am absolutely convinced that 10 million women-owned businesses will make a difference.


Ann Sullivan is the President of Madison Services Group, Inc. (MSGI), a woman-owned company that provides government relations and business development services to corporate and non-profit clients.

NAWRB Women’s Global Resource Center: A Platform for Women in the Housing Ecosystem

screen-shot-2016-10-27-at-10-45-15-amThe state of gender equality remains dismal in the United States, as it always has been. From Fortune 500 boardrooms to poverty levels, gender imbalances touch and impact all aspects of women’s lives. It has been almost 30 years since women could get business loans without a male cosigner and yet, a majority of women continue to lack awareness of special programs and designations for which we have worked so hard to develop and implement to increase diversity spend for women.

In 2016, we are finally seeing conversation around core business practices and corporate social responsibility towards women. C-suite women and women-owned businesses working in the housing ecosystem—consisting of several real estate related industries within retail, residential, industrial and commercial sectors—have been underutilized and underrepresented.

For decades, women have lacked a seat at the table. This needs to be brought to the forefront and not simply spoken about behind closed doors. Given how hard and long women have invested to get where they are today, many are fearful of the repercussions associated with voicing their concerns about these inequalities. Bottom line, women are not afforded equal C-suite opportunities and several staffing companies still utilize rolodexes with the same people for decades. We need to introduce fresh, diverse talent into these executive offices and boardrooms.
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The Critical Points of Diversity and Inclusion



Diversity and inclusion within organizations is transparent when there is an intentional effort to recognize and celebrate the differences that each employee holds and the organization embraces these differences in its supplier selection process. Companies must have documented programs in place, including employee training and adherence accountability to demonstrate commitment. Organizational leaders should not just verbalize their commitment; but, have people and programs in place that promote diversity and inclusion without exclusionary practices that contradict their commitment. In addition, an assigned compliance officer for programs is an effective way to achieve desired results.

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