WHER Chat: SBA Disaster Assistance for California Small Businesses Economically Impacted by Severe Storms & Flooding


The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Jovita Carranza announced the SBA is offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses in California regions that have been economically impacted by the severe storms and flooding that occurred in San Bernardino County Nov. 27- Dec. 1, 2019. The disaster declaration was made on Feb. 12, 2020, following a request from Governor Gavin Newsom’s representative Mark S. Ghilarducci. 

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Nominations Open: 2020 NAWRB Leadership Awards – Symposium: Women’s Equality in the New Century

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Women in the Housing & Real Estate Ecosystem (NAWRB) is pleased to announce that nominations are open for the 2020 NAWRB Leadership Awards, honoring women leaders in the housing ecosystem who are utilizing their expertise and passion to break glass ceilings in the corporate world and facilitate the growth of their local communities. Award winners will receive their awards during the 2020 NAWRB Symposium, “Women’s Equality in the New Century,” on September 29th, 2020 at the Resort of Squaw Creek in Lake Tahoe, California.

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SBA Funding Competition for Training Women Veteran Entrepreneurs – Deadline: March 17th

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The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) announced that nonprofit organizations, state and local agencies, and higher learning institutions are eligible to compete for funding up to $300,000 for delivering entrepreneurship training to women service members, women veterans and women military spouses. 

Up to six awardees will receive a total of the aforementioned funding amount in grants administered by the SBA’s Office of Veterans Business Development for participating in the Women Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Program. The funds are intended to cover costs of education women service members, women veterans and women military spouses who are currently or interested in starting their own business. 

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NDILC Member Tami Bonnell, CEO of EXIT Realty, Included in 2020 Swanepeol Power 200 List


Congratulations to NDILC Member Tami Bonnell, CEO of EXIT Realty, for being recognized as one the the Most Powerful Leaders in Residential Real Estate by Swanepoel Power 200 (SP200). Tami was ranked alongside fellow EXIT Realty coworker Steve Morris, Founder and Chairman of EXIT Realty. The overall 2020 Leadership Rankings, the Power 200, ranks the most powerful leaders in the residential real estate brokerage industry as at December 31, 2019, with adjustments made only for the major leadership announcements made after that date.

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Happy Valentine’s Day from NAWRB!

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NAWRB would like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day, a day for celebrating love of all types—romantic, platonic, familial and even self-love! Several dozens of roses, numerous boxes of chocolates and gifts are exchanged across the globe, but how did this tradition begin?

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Know the Rules of the Game® for Couples in Business

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Listen now for an all new episode of the Know the Rules of the GameⓇ podcast with your host Desiree Patno, CEO & President of NAWRB, and special guest Jay Jones, Desiree’s husband and business partner. Desiree and Jay discuss what it’s like being married for 29 years and how they navigate as a couple in business together.

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The 20 Healthiest States in the U.S.

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24/7 Tempo released their report titled “The Healthiest States in America,” which examines the top twenty healthiest states in America from data analysis of the United Health Foundation’s 2019 Health Rankings report. Factors that they used to determine which states deserved a bill of good health included healthy behaviors, quality of healthcare, health policy, the presence of diseases, and deaths from illnesses. 

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sheCENTER(FOLD) Dr. Alexis Crow


Lead of Geopolitical Investing Practice at PwC; Senior Fellow of Columbia Business School and Senior Fellow of Global Business and Economics at the Atlantic Council

Dr. Alexis Crow

Dr. Alexis Crow is an accomplished academic and business professional who helps leading corporations and asset managers capitalize on dislocations for increased profit and expansion. Her profession has taken her all over the world and has introduced her to a plethora of cultures and ideas. In a candid interview, she shares influential figures that inspire her and the importance of spirituality in her life, as well as trends in investment strategies across the world and the way women are changing the global economy. The views expressed here are purely her own. 

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Know the Rules of the Game® for Access to Capital for Small Businesses

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Listen now for a new episode of Know the Rules of the Game® Podcast with your host Desirée Patno and special guest Sylvia Gutierrez,
Economic Development Specialist for the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Desirée and Sylvia discuss access to capital for small businesses. Listen here: https://www.nawrb.com/podcast/ or listen on YouTube here!

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African-American History Month 2020


The month of February is dedicated to the commemoration and celebration of the important contributions African Americans have brought to the United States. American historian Carter G. Woodsen introduced Black History Week on Feb 12, 1926, which was continually celebrated every second week of February, coinciding with the birth dates of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.

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